America is a bankrupt nation it is owned completely by its creditors. Deceptive acts and practices. Once you file your UCC-1 you will get the file number create your bond with the UCC Trust Account. Open up Commercial Account and TDA account. The Common Law, the Law Merchants, and even the Uniform Commercial Code all have remedy and recourse, but for a long time we could not find them. Acceptance for value is a commercial right that is obtained through instruments such as tax bills and violation tickets. The Common Law does not allow for any government action which prevents a man from making a fool of himself. D: Thank you, Your Honor, for telling me that. Ask them some easy questions first, as this establishes that they are answering. If youre ever in town, stop by, and if Im not sitting on a case we will visit. This is about how to access your Master straw man account. Accessing your Master Strawman Account also allows you to monitor your financial activity and detect any fraudulent transactions. When we understand these things, we realize that there are certain secrets they dont want to admit, and we can use this to our benefit. The act by which one person gives power to another to act in his place, as he could do himself. For starters, you would first get your certificate of live birth authenticated. If, for example, you were charged with failure to buckle your seatbelt , you may ask the court who was injured as a result of your failure to buckle up. The attorney lawyers have established and secured a virtual monopoly over this area of human knowledge by implying that the subject is just too difficult for the average person to understand, and by creating a separate vocabulary out of English words of otherwise common usage. He had not tried to understand the concepts involved. You must ask how we got into this situation where we can be charged with failure to wear seatbelts and be fined for it. These are characteristic it must be based on substance. If this court is taking jurisdiction in Admiralty, then, pursuant to section 3-501 of your UCC, (Presentment), the prosecutor will have no difficulty placing the [alleged] contract into evidence, so that I may examine and [possibly] challenge the validity of the contract. i would really like to access my account and reclaim my BC but i cannot seem to find out how to do it in Canada. Seeing through the Mud Equity Law is law which compels performance. Just saying. Another is that your account could become inactive and you could lose access to your money. WARNING I have read these accounts can no longer be accessed because of the Filings of the OPPT which shut down the slavery systems in late 2012. In Admiralty, there is no court which has jurisdiction unless there is a valid international contract in dispute. Now this can only be a civil action not criminal. How are they compensated? Identity theft is a growing problem, and by keeping an eye on your financial activity. When the judge asked him what he meant by signing in that way, he told the judge that he was not prejudiced against anyone . The Situation is So Intense, it Involves the Entire US Government | FBI Insider, The Interview The Global Elite Never Want You To Hear, Julians Debt Contesting Experience OPPT Success Stories, One Peoples Public Trust used to foreclose, the UCC Connection How the Uniform Commercial Code secretly took over the world. You can then use your bond number to apply for a CUSIP number from But I dont want the Men In Black on my door either if you know what I mean. We are completely under the UCC, using non-redeemable negotiable instruments and we are discharging debt rather than paying debt. Is this applicable in Canada? But, it is not expedient to admit this, so the Code was written so as not to abolish the Common Law entirely. By accessing your Master Strawman Account, you can ensure that all of your personal information is accurate and up to date. Therefore you have to file the UCC in order to create commerce. The name for the straw man is your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Can you teach me to authenticate my birth certificate and update my status to state national? To my knowledge this private agreement between you and your agent in commerce is effected to ensure that you indemnify the public against any damage you, as the living [being], make against any member of the public as they operate only under limited liability insurance and therefore are at risk to damage by your day to day activities. He only wanted to use it to get out of the ticket. Under the U.C.C., this is not so. If we go into court and say, I DEMAND MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS , the judge will most likely say, You mention the Constitution again, and Ill find you in contempt of court ! Then we dont understand how he can do that. Some sovereign citizens also claim that they can become immune to most or all laws of the United States by renouncing their citizenship, a process they refer to as expatriation, which involves filing or delivering a nonlegal document claiming to renounce citizenship in a federal corporation and declaring only to be . Thanks for your comment. Well, whats so difficult about that charge? The UCC file number is used as the bond number which will reference your birth certificate bond number. Debt money, created by the federal United States, can be spent all over the United States of America, it will be legal tender for all debts, public and private, and the limited liability is that you cannot be sued for not paying your debt. We help students in Canada file their SPCs and correct their statuses. Followers of the Strawman theory often use it as an argument that a physical individual has no legal responsibilities. If the process is the same and i do have to file a UCC-1 do you know where i would send that to as i dont think i would send it anywhere here in Canada. No law firm will touch it. I was thinking of going out and scream out loud, I hate Washington crooks!, But now that I know, that I can protect myself and my future child and family I feel relieve. Also are Canadian BC bonds on the US Treasury as well or would it be different for us? Have you found out anything since you posted this. Are our seatbelt laws, Equity Laws? Every year, thousands of Americans are duped into believing that the U.S. government has some sort of secret "strawman" account with money they can access simply by filling out some. Also what would come after filing the UCC1? A contract requires transparency and agreement of the parties involved. New Multi-Million Dollar Scam Takes off in Antigovernment Using obscure parts of the UCC, you can capture your strawman, which in support or back taxes and redeem it by drawing on your strawman account. Login to your account. he made a mistake. We do not sugar-coat whats true. That was a valid contract the dollar was a genuine, silver dollar. EIN Package 6: EXPRESS 24 HOUR Business Day Delivery - Estate AND Foreign 98 EINs - $329.99 (Espaol), EIN Package 5: EXPRESS 24 HOUR, BUSINESS DAY Delivery - Foreign 98 EIN - $199.99 (Espaol), Banking Tips For Opening Up A Bank Account, Business Credit Cards To Apply with Bad Credit, Bankruptcy Should Not Be Reported On Your Credit Report, 4 Websites To Help You Build an 800 Credit Score, [email protected], [email protected]. We now have what is called Statutory Jurisdiction, which is not a genuine Admiralty jurisdiction. It is done using "Treasury Direct Account Authorization" under OMB # 1535-0138 and "Durable Power of Attorney for Securities and Savings Bonds Transaction" under OMB # 1535-0069. In other words, we must stop trying to seek money (unless we create a new form of exchange like bitcoin which is not a debt instrument) as the only tool for liberation and creation (for this mind set implies our incompetence). Once you receive confirmation (green card) from Treasury bond is activated. Lets swear the officer in and have him take the stand.. (If it were a civil action there could be no fine, so it has to be criminal). Capitalize only the first letter and sma. In Anderson, it is broken down with decimals into ten parts, and most importantly, it is written in plain English. So you say, just innocently like a lamb, all is null..and void??? You may not exceed this amount. Include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.5. Let me know. Make sure when you apply for your CUSIP you apply for as a debt instrument if that is what you are going to discharge debt. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Once you have created your account, you will be able to login and access your strawman. Your STRAWMAN I.D. 1-308 (old 1-207). Hasnt he sworn to uphold the Constitution? So, if I have to defend under that, I would need to have the Rules of Criminal Procedure for Statutory Jurisdiction. This includes any debts, loans, or other financial obligations that you may have. CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT It makes a broad calm, which when un-rebutted by you becomes cured and now to claim your strawman account. The most likely place to find it is with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). That quote at the very beginning was originally spoken by Jesus the Christ. As I put these new pieces together, I determined that all our courts since 1938 were Merchant Law courts and not Common Law courts. The simple fact that it takes several days or a week to order and get a stamp shows that you had reserved your rights before signing the document. Well, I asked a lot of questions and boxed the judges into a corner where they had to give me a victory or admit what they didnt want to admit. About this process, you kept say make the UCC a trust? Required fields are marked *. Can you provide me with the location of a copy? 9. Under this new law, agreements can be binding, and if you only exercise the benefits of an agreements, it is presumed or implied that you intend to meet the obligations associated with those benefits. Contact Us jji am look to settle a debt with real money (ie: gold or silver) please direct me to the correct statute, email me at: te***********@gm***.com. Tacit means: The History of Voluntary Slavery: Birth (Settlement) Certificates, Lastly, anyone telling you how to acccess the funds with your bond, etc.. is leading you to trouble). This was a puzzle to me. Let's discuss the question: how do i access my master strawman account. First, try logging in to the account. Often the sovereign citizens dont bother to pay for their licenses. But I am still thinking through this process so I may have my ducks in a row before I begin. Enter your personal information into the required fields. But I have never heard of that jurisdiction. This is the law firm that will assist with the DTC questionnaire and get your bond, once assigned a CUSIP , on blue screen. Lu tn ca ti, email, v trang web trong trnh duyt ny cho ln bnh lun k tip ca ti. If you want to access your master strawman account, youll need to provide some basic information. Wouldnt a BOE or IBOE cover any tax issues that may come out of this? Once you file your UCC-1 you will get the file number create your bond with the UCC Trust Account. The SSN is a "public" number associated with a "public persona," your straw man. It is also used to express exclamatory responses when typed in single words.. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. They know paper money is no good and that any form of money you create yourself is just as valid. Can you tell me where you have it in a court case? Great article A.W.A.R.E. ? You have a right to make a fool of yourself provided you do not infringe on the life, liberty, or property of someone else. Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. I new to this process whats the benefit? If you go into court as a wolf, you make demands and tell the judge what the law is how he had better uphold the law or else. In essence, a Strawman Account is a dummy account that is created in your name by the government. Thus, we are not affiliated with Patrick Devine or eConcurent in any way. The sole proprietorship is my name and nothing else. But you must understand the Constitution, in Article I, 10, gives us the unlimited right to contract, as long as we do not infringe on the life, liberty or property of someone else. Any violation of Common Law is a CRIMINAL ACT , and is punishable. Thanks! Congress offers us this benefit : Yes! d. since there is no injured party or complaining witness, the court has no jurisdiction under the Common Law. 3. You can also find your master strawman account by looking for public records. But remember you will then be responsible for paying taxes on whatever you use. He will ask, Do you understand the charges against you ? Could you go into a Common Law court and get justice? I am from London and am researching filing a UCC-1. No overlooking in a hurry. By understanding your financial position, you can make informed decisions about your personal finances and plan for your financial future. If this/these charge/s is/are not under the Common Law, or under Admiralty and those are the only criminal jurisdictions mentioned in the Constitution what kind of jurisdiction could this court be operating under? The tool is designed to help you budget your money, track your spending, and make financial decisions. It should be helpful to those who may have difficulty learning from such lectures, or those who want to develop a deeper understanding of this information without having to listen to three or four hours of recorded material. I also am from the U.K. and have recently just filed my UCC1 with the Washington office. ~Breaking~ Philip Tilton - The RV Has Started!!! Do I need my original birth certificate. Person who purchases property for another to Please take note that this lecture represents one chapter in the book of his understanding, which he is always refining, expanding, improving. Make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date.4. And as we often say here on SITS: Know Thyself. or my married name? I was trying to learn how to reclaim my strawman. Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) -- Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences 7/17/17. It is a qualified endorsement or modified signature on an instrument. This would be compelled performance. How can the court throw out one part of the Code and uphold another? No court has Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction unless there is a valid international maritime contract that has been breached. Q: Why is it important to access my Master Strawman Account? Whenever you sign any legal paper that deals with Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) -in any way, shape or manner under your signature write: Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 (old 1-207). I am in Australia, where do I start and who do I lodge it with? I dont mind paying for information (the worker is worthy of his/her hire). The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! Now we can see what jurisdiction the seatbelt laws (all traffic codes, etc) are under. Those funds will go directly to the pass through bank for debt discharge only. Whats so difficult about this that you dont understand?. 3 #Expairtation, Of 14th #Ammendment- While Being Massa In Due Course Of #100BillionDollars! All of it.I have been told there has been no case like mine in over 100 years . They feel the right to free movement means they do not need a license. How nice they are! UPDATED 8.25.2014 Apparently, the Strawman Accounts are no longer in the possession of our would-be masters, the BIS or Vatican. Public records are records that are available to anyone who wants to see them. UCC 1-308 (old 1-207) goes on to say: The next step is to go the clerk of the traffic court and say: I believe it would be helpful if I talk to you, because I want to save the government some money (this will get their attention). JURISDICTION The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. Mr. Freeman admits that he is not a lawyer, and as much, he has a way of explaining law to us that puts it well within our reach. I explained one of the keys earlier, which is that the country is bankrupt and we have no rights. Hope these tips were of help and feel free to contact us should you have any further questions. You can also use your master strawman account to protect yourself from lawsuits and other legal problems. Please reference the email sent to you for further guidance. If you would like to authenticate your birth certificate, there is a process on how to get that done for those born in the U.K. We know how frustrating it can be to find misinformaton out there. Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. I dont care how old they are; you have no right to overturn a standing decision of the United States Supreme Court in a District Court. Y R U Living in the Land of the DEAD | Help save our kids future, Truth Broadcast #7 *{6/8/21}* Gods Plan, The Revelation of Jesus Christ & Liberation of The Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) Truth Uncensored, One of our customer service reps emailed you in reply to your inquiry. So here we find the blending of Law with Equity. Actually, it is better to use a rubber stamp, because this demonstrates that you had previously reserved your rights. Gladly i found you guys, thanks for your contribution. I would have to demand that such a contract, if it does exist, be placed into evidence, so that I may contest it, but surely, this court is not operating under an Admiralty Jurisdiction. See more related questions in the comments below. It is important to get the Anderson [Anderson, Uniform Commercial Code, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company] edition. First of all, contracts are unnecessary. Thank you so much, Could you please talk me through the process of what I would need to do next. Thou shalt not steal! This is about how to access your Master strawman account. I do need a transcript for appealing, and to save the government some money, maybe you could schedule me to appear in a court of record., You can show the date on the ticket and the clerk will usually agree that there is plenty of time to schedule your trial for a court of record. He said that he had already told me too much he wasnt going to tell me any more. Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years! I am using this in my next traffic ticket hearing. Successful_Bus_8612 2 yr. ago. AND THIS IS NO JOKE. Lawful money is backed by real things. Find more about how we can help each other from our healthcare site. By the STRAWMAN fiction that my name was turned into as part of the CORPORATION in order for account to operate and be used in commerce. Hi Aware. There would be no more decisions based on the Common Law at the federal level. This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. Avoid using easily guessed words or phrases. I have a unique social security number. 1938 AND THE ERIE RAILROAD Donate To A.W.A.R.E And it could create a huge IRS bill. It is a made up entity, much like a corporation. It is a digital record that is maintained by the government, and access is granted only through the process outlined above. Video tutorials about how to access your master strawman account, Email ca bn s khng c hin th cng khai. You have to make your claim known early. Travel is a right, which is true. Welcome To A.W.A.R.E, the Most Trusted Sovereign and Business Redemption Providers for We the People. Actually this just creates an account . You must play a little ignorant. As slaves we have no rights. Here are the steps you need to follow to access your Master Strawman Account: Now that we have explained how to access your Master Strawman Account, lets take a look at why it is important to do so. Here is another post with more information on the Public Law for Remedy: If the master says Jump! then the slave had better jump, because the master has the right to cut off his head. Now, suppose you wrote a contract that said, For one Federal Reserve Note and other considerations, I will paint your house. And suppose, for example, I painted your house the wrong color. It is important to remember when we go into a court that we are in a commercial international jurisdiction. Could you clarify, under UK rules, if I should lay claim and own my coporeal entity using the allodial title first before doing the above process? They knew something was fishy when we went off the gold standard. Judge: I dont see why not. This is NOT a service we offer nor an area of our expertise so please do not contact us asking us to help you access your strawman account or anything in the likeliness of accessing the funds of the strawman because you will NOT get a reply. He said, Name any decision of the Supreme Court after 1938 and Ill honor it, but all the decision you read were prior to 1938, and I dont honor those decisions. I asked what happened in 1938. You sat on the bench while I read that case law. Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement To these ends, Mr. Freeman offers a simple, hopeful explanation of our plight and a peaceful method of dealing with it. Read More how many gallons to a bushelContinue, Read More How to do the pearson vue trickContinue, Please enable JavaScript in your browser to submit the form, how to Find Out An Attorneys Success Rate Buy Cheyenne, how to apply bank loan for business buy cheyenne, How to get pearl ticket goat black Friday. It is important to understand our society is based mainly on these presumptive offers to contract. We can help bring down the Khazarian Mafia by defunding their Fake Healthcare System earning $4 trillion annually, and supporting the fake news media networks which promote terrorism and regime change around the world. This creates a legal (but now lawful) basis for contract which they can then try and use against you. is another great post about this topic: Winston Shrout has a powerful grasp of this knowledge. Remember the verse: I send you out as sheep in wolf country; be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. The methods presented in the following are more passive ways of dealing with our legal system, basically by boxing the judge in a corner. Now I personally have not tried any of this, however I see the value in this approach. Methods of Claiming Your Straw Man The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust Freedom From Servitude If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You. If the judge insists on proceeding with the case, just act confused and ask this question: Let me see if I understand, Your Honor. Private Agreement is a private agreement evidencing a contract between you and your dead at law legal fiction strawman crown security interest name. So now they have said, We going to help you out, and you can just discharge your debts instead of paying your debts. When we use this colorable money to discharge our debts, we cannot use a Common Law court. As you mentioned in one of your posts, youve been burned before. PRINT NAME is simply defined as writing your name in CAPITAL LETTERS! I never received it nor the green card referred to above; how do I know whether it was accepted/filed or not and, can I send another copy of the original just for that purpose? This is about how to access your Master strawman account. Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement is the filing of a legal document into the public as evidence of you regaining control over your Agent in commerce, your strawman. A TreasuryDirect account is an online account maintained by us solely in your name in which you may hold and conduct transactions in eligible book-entry Treasury securities. Find the Create an account or Sign Up button and click it. A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another persons argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making. Now we know why so many millionaire people get richer and why they dont answer to the law. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Before1933, you exchanged a gallon of milk for a dollar, which is a promise to pay gold or silver; real value for real value. So getting to it, what\\\s the success rate and giving all the paperwork is right how long is the process? Master strawman accounts are often created by people with a vested interest in promoting a particular point of view. 1. We must REBUT the PRESUMPTIONS that this new third party has any claim to the debt. Question: How did you box in the judge? Access Your Master Straw Man Account - AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! How do I access my master strawman account? What the sovereigns fail to grasp is they are free to travel, by foot, by bike, even by horse. If it did not recognize the Common Law, the government would have had to admit that the United States is bankrupt, and is completely owned by its creditors. He said, Prior to 1938, the Supreme Court was dealing with Public Law; since 1938, the Supreme Court has dealt with Public Policy. 03/2023, 21 How To Say I Miss You In Italian aPlease email [email protected] and we will let you know by email if your UCC was correctly filed or not. Officer: Oh, no, I was just getting the address I didnt look down there. So, if you have compelled performance, there must be a contract somewhere, and you are being compelled to perform under the obligation of the contract. Why CIA Created the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines. I live in Suriname and it came to my knowledge that all CUSIP numbers are owned by USA banks. But what puzzles me, Your Honor, is, there is noCorpus Delicti here that gives this court a jurisdiction over my person and property under the Common Law. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Access Your Master Straw Man Account | A. CI Financial Corp. God will accomplish his heart's desire. That is why, A.W.A.R.E strives to offer only accurate knowledge and not mixed. One is that you may miss out on important updates or messages from the strawman company. Services The strawman theory is a conspiracy theory that is particularly popular in the United States. A-party to a contract that sells off their interest to a new party without the express consent of ALL parties involved (which means your explicit consent) is unenforceable in law, unless you unwittingly allow them Tacit Procuration by NOT rebutting their presumptions and responding to their offer to contract.