2. Alumni talk about ringing the Wren bell, saying goodbye to beloved places on campus, and walking together with classmates out through the door they entered when they first arrived at William & Mary. If possible remove all of your belongings at this time and complete the online check out process. All tests will be conducted at Kaplan Arena, which has ample room for testing stations, safe physical distancing and parking. A lot of my students arent able to get online to be able to get the internet to do the stuff, she added. Well, that is a ton of helpful information. Its been hard, theres been definitely a mix of emotions throughout these eight weeks that weve been there, said the Westwood High School chemistry teacher. One common theme of emails to me this week: there is overwhelming support for postponing decisions on Commencement 2020. Immediately isolate yourself in your residence hall, or if off-campus, in your residence. We wish you the greatest success during this extraordinary period and into the future. Teaching is hard, but we can relate. That I love them Michelle T. I miss them. The best source for updated information regarding the universitys response to COVID-19 remains the online Q&A by the university at www.wm.edu/coronavirus. We continue to place first priority on the health of our community. We will indeed have the chance in the future to celebrate those milestones appropriately. These measures and temporary policies will continue through the duration of the pandemic or with specific end-dates as indicated below, whichever occurs first. Yet at a time of loss and sacrifice, we have also made gains. Universities around the country will be facing similar challenges. The August on-campus move-in dates for the following groups of students are not affected by this adjustment. As we embark on a new semester tomorrow, the importance of ourHealthy Together Community Commitmentcannot be overstated. William & Mary will continue to do our part to protect our healthcare workers and safeguard the health of our community. Your case manager will help make the arrangements. Working closely with our local and state health officials, as well as our Virginia university partners, W&M is closely monitoring all guidance related to health and safety practices and protocols. "Our students and community have responded to the video in a very positive fashion," he noted before reading appreciative responses from students and their families. It is mandatory. We surely are living in unprecedented times, and Id like to take a moment to acknowledge the uncertainty that many of us are facing due to the rapid pace of change occurring not only at W&M, but also in our local communities, nationally, and globally. to date, no student on campus has tested positive, state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic, Read the descriptions of high-level categories for course delivery, detailed plans for Check-In and New Student Orientation, All generative questions and ideas are welcome, Flourishing during Unexpected, Uncertain, and Unwanted Change, https://www.wm.edu/offices/wellness/ohp/general-wellness/silvercloud/, https://www.wm.edu/offices/it/remoteresources/index.php, monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, support for the online instructional, remote learning, Undergraduate Residence Halls close on November 25 at 10 a.m. Be sure to carefully review the, Remaining on campus after November 25 at 10 a.m. is not an option, Students living in the Graduate Complex or Tribe Square are permitted to remain in their current apartment, but must verify they are staying via the, Spring semester course delivery attributes will be in Banner by Friday, November 13. Our testing and other public health protocols are based on ongoing epidemiological modeling being developed by VCU, UVA and VT as Virginia's academic medical centers. We will continue to reach out to you with updates and information we think you may find useful. All students who alerted us should be contacted by the end of the day. Please review the 2020-21 Resource Guide (pdf) for more details, but a summary of essential points include: For Fall 2020, use of space at William & Mary is dedicated to core mission activities and restricted to the immediate campus community. You are navigating this challenging spring with grace and compassion. As many of you know, Sam Jones retired at the beginning of December after an exemplary career at William & Mary, capped by his able leadership of the COVID-19 Response Team. We will continue to work through these and other consequential steps in measured ways. William & Mary will cover the cost of a voluntary test for students and employees who wish to be tested prior to returning home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Based on these discussions, I write to share the following answers to the most frequently asked questions. As for how the video came together, PrincipalGeorge Rauh explained to E! I wish you a safe and happy holiday season. To the new rhythms of a very different year, our community is coming together, near and far. During this time, teachers have gone to . As we move forward, we are committed to ensuring the standards of excellence that distinguish a William & Mary education. Our goal is to host a grand celebration in May 2021 for the Class of 2020, with all the joy and the cherished traditions that make W&M Commencements special. All requirements apply to both indoor and outdoor co-curricular activities and spaces. We track the Virginia Department of Health guidelines daily.Bringing our campus back together safely is an enormous task and also a hopeful one because it is a key step in the path forward to a post-COVID-19 William & Mary. Those students may choose temporary housing in Richmond Hall, which has been identified as suitable for isolation (separate, exterior room doors, individual bathrooms, etc.) From teaching inspiration to ideas for staying healthy and avoiding burnout, here you'll find a place to laugh, vent, and get reinvigorated to teach. Fully-embraced, these habits of care and respect will have a direct impact on the trajectory of W&Ms fall semester. With that in mind, I wanted to provide an update about what to expect in the coming days. You bring me more joy and happiness than any of you can imagine, and I hope we are together again soon. Justin M. The whole purpose of this quarantine time is to keep as many of us safe and healthy as possible. Please share your suggestions via our question box. Students may access the video series through Blackboard, and must view the training by 5 p.m. You will be able to quickly register your opinion by responding to the text with a yes/no or numerical value. For more information on meal plans, please visit, June 25-July 7 -- Registration for undergraduate transfer students, July 8 New student housing assignments announced, July 8, 5 p.m. Meal plan selection deadline, July 15 Details about orientation, residence hall check-in, and move-in process announced, July 15 Listing of fall course delivery available (including delivery mode designations), Week of August 3 Continuing students and new transfer students can make changes to schedules, Aug 8-11 Returning Students Phase I move-in (returning students with a need to arrive early), Aug 12-14 New Student move-in (freshman, transfers, Joint Degree Programme), Aug 13-18 Returning Students Phase II move-in (all other returning students). our actionswillbe swift anddirectfor those who arent following theguidelineswe have in place. As with the fall semester, students are expected to quarantine eight days prior to returning to campus to minimize potential exposure to COVID-19. If you would like to help with immediate needs, please consider a gift to the Fund for William & Mary or one of our emergency funds. Amid pandemic, there is no place that individual choices are without consequence to the health of the William & Mary community. I am confident we will be able to create a strong and supportive community. This week, we have also made progress on key decisions regarding room, board, and parking costs. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, teachers and students all over the country have had to adjust to new ways of learning at a social distance. Carry your keys and ID with you every time you leave the room. Large student gatherings of any kind both on- and off-campusare not permitted. They constitute direct violations of the Healthy Together Community Commitment that each of us affirmed. News that a few staff members originally reached out to him about doing something for their students. As a reminder. This fall, faculty and staff adapted to telework, new research requirements, blended learning, and a transformed campus environment; more than 500 staff and administrators took on entirely new jobs, working flat out to create a robust testing, quarantine & isolation, and case management program, mentoring for students studying off-campus, and more. They can stay in the main room if they want to work through the assignment step by step with guidance from me. Were hoping students will be supportive and kind to each other remotely as well. Watch: Teachers Share Uplifting Messages to Students Amid Coronavirus In these trying times, this school staff has gone the extra mile to make sure their students know they are missed. She returned to her classroom to pack up the belongings her students left behind. The administration and the Emergency Management Team have responded effectively from the very beginning of this pandemic and will continue to work to protect the safety of our community. I write also to acknowledge the incredible difficulty of what we are undertaking. We will redouble our efforts to support one another, to reach out and to commit to making choices that minimize risk to all. Isolation of asymptomatic individuals awaiting test results is NOT the recommendation of trusted authorities such as the CDC or VDH. We have confidence in each of you and great trust. On April 28, a video was shared on YouTube featuring the principal, teachers and staff members of the Van Holten Primary School. This year's National Teacher Appreciation Week is happening under the unprecedented hardships that the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed on us. I am deeply grateful to them for their tireless and resourceful partnership. The Student Health Center will provide instructions on necessary next steps. We love our students like our own children and this separation is painful. Sadness comes with every cancellation that passes on the calendar of self-quarantine. For those of you who are or will soon be in Williamsburg, we need you to prioritize the health of our community every day, every week and every weekend for the entire semester! Our live programs will be recorded to be used at your convenience. Virginias Phase 3 reopening does not change W&Ms campus-specific guidelines. All testing and distancing protocols will remain in effect. So the deans, faculty, and staff are empowering each other to explore as many solutions as warranted for each discipline and each students learning situation. Now, students have breaks between periods and teachers can use that time for extra help sessions or just one-on- one check-ins. If your students are sick, please keep them home, and if your son or daughter tests positive for COVID, please contact our school nurses. This is the second time in its history that a BOV committee met virtually under rules established by the Attorney General in response to the State of Emergency in Virginia. Prevalence testing (initial sample of 2% of the employee/contractor population) will occur at least every two weeks. Over the next week we will move to online and remote modes of instruction. Proctoring protects the integrity of the testing process, thereby maintaining a level playing field for all students. Please continue to consult our website and FAQs daily, where we compile the most up-to-date information. We will chart a thoughtful path forward stronger in the future because of the dedication and creativity of our students, faculty and staff and because of the relationships that we forge in the coming weeks. Other measures being taken to mitigate risks as students and employees return to campus this fall will be discussed at a community Town Hall scheduled for July 20. Event sponsors should explore solutions that include canceling, rescheduling or moving to alternative platforms. Administrators were the ones most often caught in the crossfire: 42% said they experienced this behavior from parents, while 37% said they got it from students. In barely more than a week, William & Mary faculty and staff in every school reinvented their spring semesters, adapting long-standing habits and materials into new platforms. Dear William & Mary Students, Faculty & Staff. Its a challenge, a challenge for every one of us, but we dont shy away from challenges at William & Mary. These decisions will have consequences for each of us professionally and personally. Resources for. Many of the outbreaks to date have resulted from large gatherings of young adults, without masks and physical distancing. On-campus space is limited so options for moves are few at this time. The Student Health Center remains open to students by appointment only. Immediately isolate yourself in your residence and contact your health services provider. They will take part in our most cherished traditions: ringing the Wren Bell, Candlelight, the Walk Across Campus, formal exercises in full regalia, and the personalized school/departmental ceremonies with faculty. I did the best I could to get my work done. We are extremely proud of our 2020 graduates, and we hope we'll be able to celebrate with you this fall. You can sign up to volunteer on the Virginia Volunteer Health System website. Without your compliance, our fall semester on campus will be over before it starts. , Get to know our book expert, Ciera Pasturel, Heres why your car looks disgusting today. Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook. The semesters in-person classes abruptly ended due to health orders put in place as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. All rights reserved. Remaining on campus and utilizing university resources while practicing social distancing - remaining 6 to 8 feet from other individuals is preferred. Creating COVID-19 Messaging for Graduation Greetings. COVID-19 poses an unprecedented threat to public health; so too this pandemic threatens the financial health of millions of households and institutions around the globe. Even when faced with an unprecedented situation like the COVID-19 outbreak, teachers across the world have. In other words, asymptomatic students will await test results wherever they live. The greatest weapon we can have today is guarding ourselves with faith and prayer. Our testing program will likely require all students to be tested for COVID-19 on arrival and will allow employees to take advantage of optional testing services partially subsidized by the university. Next week we will update the campus on financial projections for FY21. Teaching and learning at a distance for the remainder of the semester will pose challenges, some we can anticipate and others we will encounter as we go. "Just keep swimming." Dory, Finding Nemo. This remains a very fluid situation. Give us a couple more days to complete and compile our videos and then check in frequently on our main website, www.wm.edu/offices/wellness, or download our new W&M Wellness App! Testing protocols developed in partnership with VCU, VT, UVA and other universities in our public higher education system. Teacher workspaces displayed to the class can incorporate student work along with new notes and work that can . Symptomatic individuals awaiting test results will need to self-quarantine, rather than remain in their assigned residence halls. See the student FAQ section at www.wm.edu/coronavirus for additional details. Wieland, also a half marathon runner, treats her classroom as a training site as well with her students progress. Do not be selfish your actions impact the entire community. If you do not intend to comply with our guidelines and shared expectations, do not come to campus. by. Additionally, we will have the capability of scheduling meetings with students remotely via phone or Zoom. Ginger Ambler____________________________Virginia M. Ambler 88, Ph.D. 06Vice President for Student AffairsWilliam & Mary. While many students are complying with the rules and regulations set forth in our Healthy Together Community Commitment,too many are not. These SEL Lessons Inspired by Dogs Are What Kids Need Right Now. Tickets for the highly . Please note that future health conditions in our region may require adjustments to these proposed dates. Ginger Ambler88, Ph.D. 06Vice President for Student Affairs. Teachers can be positive role models for their students. The Commencement Committee will send additional, detailed communications in the coming weeks to degree candidates and families. On- and off-campus gatherings continue to be limited to no more than 10 people with required masks and physical distancing. Students Suffer. I hope your semester is going well and that you and your family are healthy and safe. Research advances, music performances continue and students and teachers are coming together to explore the affordances of distance education, aided by our Studio for Teaching and Learning Innovation. This move was in accordance with the Governors directive to close executive-branch and state offices in the Peninsula Health District in a coordinated statewide effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. This accomplishment is hard-earned. Employees should request an exception for health reasons through Human Resources. We want to hear your voice and believe this app will help us better stay in touch with student opinions as we plan ahead. You can read additional information for students and employees below and on our Path Forward website. The five most-mentioned feelings among all teachers were anxious, fearful, worried, overwhelmed, and sad. Degree-seeking academic juniors and seniors may elect Pass/Fail grading for up to two normally-graded courses; academic freshmen and sophomores may elect to take one normally-graded course on a Pass/Fail basis this semester. All of our lives have been upended by COVID-19 and we will all be balancing competing demands for some time to come. I urge you to sign up for direct deposit through Banners eServices, if you have not already done so. W&Ms leadership will bring our best thinking to when and how we can come together in this important ceremony of passage perhaps in summer, or fall. If your students cant hear you correct their grammar, are you even teaching? As we end the year, its not traditional, and its hard that way too, she added. Happy Teacher Appreciation Day from the Career and Technical Education Team. Knowing people are out there thinking of them can make all the difference in the world. Shannon S. Teachers everywhere want students to know that they havent gone anywhere. On National Teacher Day, here are 15 inspiring quotes for teachers during the pandemic, courtesy of Parade and Teach Thought. After discussion with Student Assembly leadership, we are also emphasizing the following for this coming week: Thank you again for taking the necessary steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on our campus and in the local community. Staff at Richmond Hall will assist with your move-in, providing transportation as appropriate. If your child will play baseball or softball this spring, youll need to stock up on appropriate clothing and equipment. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to visit our website for a full listing of our departments to help in your success., In the days and weeks ahead, stay connected with us and with one another. 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For now, we can share these details: Already, our graduating students are experiencing a deep sense of loss, as a spring semester they joyfully anticipated has changed in profound ways outside of our control. As we navigate this new territory together, that spirit of partnership will be essential. Our understanding of this pandemic is rapidly evolving. With millions of students at home around the world due to school closures, one Dunwoody student decided to use his time to spread the word about the city's unofficial motto. The university will remain open with modified academic operations: All in-person classes are suspended. Social class juniors, seniors, and graduate students may request housing contract release without penalty. We want to try to do something," he recalled. No one may accompany you into the building. I want to acknowledge how much we are asking of all employees, whatever your roles. As teachers we encourage our people to remain at home, minimize movements and maintain social distance. Your contributions are appreciated and we thank you in our prayers, hearts, and minds each and every day. William & Mary is of one mind on this: we want to be together. Deans and faculty will ensure personal engagement for all students, including those who live on and off campus, through the start of in-person classes. As we move forward, the goals we shared last week remain our north star: 1) to safeguard the health of students, faculty and staff; 2) to ensure students complete their classes; 3) to maintain the universitys research and other operations; 4) to do everything within our power to support national and global efforts to slow the spread of the disease. Please join me for more discussion on this and other topics at our next Town Hall meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m. on Wednesday, August 5. If so, you will be notified by email and will be given instructions for making a testing appointment. So we share our expectations for accountability below. PDF. In order to ensure due process for students who are reported to have violated the Healthy Together Commitment, all COVID-related matters will be addressed via Administrative Resolution by the Community Values and Restorative Practices (CVRP. We are especially grateful for the partnership and shared purpose of Student Assembly President Kelsey Vita 20 and the entire SA leadership team. We will take a phased approach, beginning with the following prudent steps. This is particularly important for young children who are not yet able to talk about feelings. COVID-19-induced anxiety can make learning and information retention difficult. All university-sponsored travel domestic and international is suspended regardless of fund source. Faculty members may not opt for face shields in lieu of masks. This is particularly important for large groups and for events involving the most at-risk populations. We are continuing to make decisions in a measured, phased way, taking the steps required to flatten the curve of financial impact due to COVID-19.This spring has clarified much about why we value face-to-face learning at William & Mary and why we seek to return to it with such a strong sense of purpose.
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