In lieu credit may be granted for engaging in projects and/or workshops approved by a DJJ/CEA designee regarding the improvement of instruction and curriculum at the rate of ten (10) hours equal to one credit. On March 26, 2019, SEIU Local 1000 met with the Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 20 CNAs: More than four (4) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020, and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with section 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or. An employee who has completed a normal work shift, when ordered back to work, shall be credited with a minimum of four (4) hours work time provided the call back to work is without having been notified prior to completion of the work shift, or the notification is prior to completion of the work shift and the work begins more than three (3) hours after the completion of that work shift. Eligible surplus employees shall be permitted to apply and compete for vacant positions of the employee's current class or other classes to which the employee can transfer, pursuant to the SROA process. Workweek group policy for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Exempt/Excluded Employees: Management determines, consistent with the current Contract the products, services, and standards which must be met by FLSA - exempt/excluded employees; The salary paid to FLSA - exempt/excluded employees is full compensation for all hours worked in providing the product or service; FLSA - exempt/excluded employees are not authorized to receive any form of overtime compensation, whether formal or informal; FLSA - exempt/excluded employees are expected to work, within reason, as many hours as necessary to accomplish the employee's assignments or fulfill the employee's responsibilities and must respond to directions from management to complete work assignments by specific deadlines. delays in State Special Schools Benefit (SSSB) funds. All hours in excess of two hundred forty (240) CTO hours shall be compensated in cash. In order to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime, the department shall establish a seniority system to request and utilize volunteers to perform overtime work from within the appropriate work area(s) and classification(s). Continuing education units (CEUs) required for current professional license/certification and/or continuing education units or work experience directly related to course curriculum and/or professional development, that are offered by approved providers may be accepted for salary advancement with prior approval from a DJJ/CEA designee. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be . If management fails to provide a Seasonal Clerk notice that there is a lack of work for the next scheduled work shift, management will either provide four (4) hours of work or four (4) hours of compensation at management's discretion. Enrollment in the State Safety Retirement category shall be prospective only and prior service shall remain under the miscellaneous or industrial retirement category. In the event the employee is unable to assume the assignment within the sixty (60) calendar days, the employee may be placed in another assignment at management's discretion. The list will be a progression as described in the above paragraph. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement (e.g. An otherwise eligible employee absent from the work site during the bid process for such reasons, including but not limited to EIDL, SDI, Worker's Compensation, leave of absence, annual military leave, illness, etc., may participate in the bid process. When an employee attempts to reach the designated supervisor for approval no later than thirty (30) minutes before the end of the employee's shift, in order to request approval for overtime to complete mandated duties, failure of the supervisor to respond to the request or contact within thirty (30) minutes shall be construed as approved overtime authorization. about the strength and the power of our members to win something College credits, continuing education credits and any CDCR, OCE designee approved work credits from industry for vocational education teachers will be pertinent to the employee's position and not be a repetition of previously acquired credits or work experience. classification is integrated into the Medical Classification If an employee has indicated on a signed survey form that the employee is unavailable and does not choose to work overtime on certain days and/or times, the employee will not be offered overtime for those days and/or times. The State agrees to provide Unit 14 with a written status report, within six (6) months of ratification of this Contract. The specific posts that comprise the seventy percent (70%) and the thirty percent (30%) will be established through a meet and discuss. PLP 2020 leave shall not be considered as "time worked" for overtime purposes except when an employee is mandated to work overtime or has been redirected and is mandated to work overtime to process unemployment claims in the same week in which they use approved leave then that approved leave will be considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime. Interim bids shall be conducted so that the percentages specified in this section are maintained throughout the twenty-four (24) month cycle. Any denial of requests made under subsection B shall be provided in writing. Once the investigation has been concluded and if the charges have not been substantiated, the employee shall be returned to the employee's bid assignment. In the event of ties, total state service will be used to determine seniority scores. QRP will review applicant's packet at the first meeting of the panel after receipt of all required information. The employee will then be assigned an assignment at management's discretion. forced to work out of class closer to resolution. received a notice from the Department on this issue at which This means ensuring that Unit 4 workers are An otherwise eligible employee absent from the worksite during the bid process for such reasons, including but not limited to EIDL; SDI; Workers' Compensation; leave of absence; annual military leave; illness, etc., may participate in the bid process. Except in cases of emergency or planned program activity employees shall not be required to work: More than three (3) mandatory overtime shifts per month of at least two (2) hours of duration, effective January 2, 2020; and no more than two (2) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or, In excess of sixteen (16) hours continuously in a forty-eight (48) hour period; or, In excess of two (2) mandatory overtime shifts in an employee's scheduled work week; or. Ties in Seniority: If two (2) or more employees with the same amount of classification seniority bid on the same position, ties shall be broken as follows: Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CSC; DDS; DSH; and CalVet): Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CDCR; and CCHCS): Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CDCR-DJJ): Method and Implementation (Excludes DGS): Announcement of Eligible Posts: Vacant posts shall be announced or advertised the first Monday of each month and remain on display for no less than ten (10) calendar days, excluding weekends and holidays. office workday. Post and Bid Acceptance: An employee offered a bidded position has a maximum of three (3) work days in which to accept or reject a job offer unless a longer period is agreed to by the hiring supervisor. The Union and Management will identify an equitable distribution of the preferred work areas, watches, and RDOs between Management and bid assignments. Unit 17 employees wishing to change shifts within a facility or program, if employed in twenty-four (24) hour facility, shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. State employees performing services at America's Job Center of California shall retain existing civil service and collective bargaining protections on matters relating to employment, including, but not limited to, hiring, promotion, discipline, and grievance procedures. Overtime will be credited on a one-quarter () hour basis with a full quarter of an hour credit granted if seven (7) minutes is worked. You can view our contract here. FLSA-exempt employees are expected to work within reason as many hours as necessary to accomplish the employee's assignments or fulfill the employee's responsibilities. Permanent shift assignment is defined as an assignment of thirty (30) calendar days or more. Organizing/Representation met with Sen. Cathleen Galgiani and These hours shall be counted towards the maximum yearly hours, not to exceed 1,500 hours. If such bid or position creates a nepotistic situation, notice must be given to the employee. An employee who applies for and is selected for a time base change pursuant to this section, and refuses the appointment shall be removed from future consideration under this section. BU 20 LVNs may sign up for voluntary overtime by adding the employee's name to the VOR. guidance, the Field Operations Division (FOD) will implement November, her manager at the California Science Center in Los Upon completion of six (6) pay periods, employees shall be eligible for up to two (2) personal days which may be used during the academic year or extended school year. Due to the significant economic impacts of the COVID-19 Recession, in accordance with Section 3517.6 of the Government Code, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the following economic provisions of the existing memorandum of understanding (MOU), which require the expenditure of funds for increased salaries and wages that were to become effective on July 1, 2020, are hereby suspended until July 1, 2022: The remainder of the MOU, including economic terms of the agreement not specifically related to the pay item listed in paragraph A shall continue in full effect. When an employee is assigned out-of-class work, the employee shall receive the rate of pay the employee would have received pursuant to Title 2 California Code of Regulations sections 599.673, 599.674, or 599.676 if appointed to the higher classification. Thereafter, all other BU 20 LVNs will be provided the same volunteer overtime opportunity once, assuring each BU 20 LVN is provided an opportunity for one sign up before returning to the most senior employee and beginning the process again (i.e., the rotation will again start at the top of the seniority list and work its way down). management to address all health and safety concerns for our Designed to improve the safety and negotiators on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, to make the case California When the State determines that Unit 1 employees in public contact positions need to be identified as State employees, the State shall provide the employee with standard business and/or identification cards at no cost to the employee. In addition management will make every effort to schedule overtime first for those employees who have not taken leave during the week and such employees may be mandated overtime only as a last resort. This collective bargaining process is governed by the Ralph C. Dills Act (Government Code sections 3512-3524). The advance stands to update and improve When Shannon Pree was the victim of a horrific violent crime last A volunteer pool will be established and used as follows: Guides will be polled in July of each year as to whether the Guide wishes to volunteer beyond the maximum twelve (12) evening tour shifts. Upon the request of the Union, the departments will provide a copy of the department's formal written telework policy. At these local meetings, the parties shall seriously consider alternative scheduling methods for mixed shift work weeks as well as the following alternatives in lieu of full-time mixed shift work week assignments: using in-house registries, outside registries and intermittent work. Employees in classes assigned to WWG 2 shall be compensated for ordered overtime of at least one-quarter () hour at any one time. Professional development and upward mobility are key priorities Layoffs. All determinations shall be through express mutual agreement of the Union and department. This is the third GSI increase we won in our current contract. If the employee does not enroll in a Second Tier Retirement Plan within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of initial eligibility, the employee shall remain enrolled in the First Tier plan, as provided under CalPERS law. When CTO is ordered, reasonable advance notice (at least 24 hours) should be provided the employee. Prior approval from management for the use of formal leave (e.g., vacation, sick leave, personal leave, personal day) for absences of an entire day or more is required. If an employee believes that the State's use of current or future technology is being used for the purpose of harassment the employee may grieve such action under Article 6. We had a The JLMTF shall consist of an equal number of Union and CDCR/CCHCS committee members; not to exceed four (4) representatives for each side. The Counselors will be ranked on the list by the amount of overtime hours the Counselors have been offered since the beginning of the academic school year. as we continue to navigate the ongoing uncharted territory of the Toll Collector vacant positions will be filled in the following order: Permanent full-time Toll Collectors who are currently assigned to the toll bridge where the vacancy exists and who have a valid Post and Bid Request on file shall be offered first right of refusal to the vacancy in seniority order. If such bid or position creates a nepotistic situation, notice must be given to the Union. Exceptions to this limitation may be granted. While on standby duty, employees shall receive standby compensation at the rate of two (2) hours of compensating time off for fifteen (15) hours of standby duty. Employees may submit an Overtime Preference Survey form five times per school year (September 15, November 15, January 15, March 15, and May 15). An employee exceeding the sixty (60) calendar day limit for an absence due to EIDL will be assigned to the same assignment or same watch/RDO for the remainder of the bid period. The SEIU Local 1000 team had our first meeting with State As required by CalPERS law, the amount includes interest at six percent (6%), annually compounded. Employees will have five (5) calendar days to reject the awarded bid, and may do so in writing to the appropriate office or supervisor and a copy to the Union. The academic calendar for exempt staff in the classification of Teacher shall be one hundred eighty-four (184) workdays, of which up to one hundred seventy-six (176) shall be student contact days. Governor signed AB/SB 142 : 06/30/2021. contract with the statemeet three times each year to develop SEIU Local 1000 met and conferred with the Department of Motor Standards for Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare, which OnDecember 21st, 2018, our union met with If the telework arrangement conforms to telework criteria established in the department's telework policy and guidelines, no employee's request for telework shall be unreasonably denied. Requisite Skills and Abilities: Employees placed under the Post and Bid provisions must possess the requisite knowledge, skills, aptitude, and abilities of the position to perform at an acceptable level. Management shall have the option each fiscal year to compensate employees up to forty (40) hours with CTO. input from Local 1000 will roll out over the next year at Napa This does not preclude payment of such expenses, at management's discretion. The Task Force recommendation will be implemented no later than June 30, 2021. Vacation and sick leave (or annual leave) hours used will be charged based on an employee's scheduled work shift. If no Toll Collector with a valid Post and Bid Request accepts the position or if there is no valid Post and Bid Request on file, the employer may then fill the vacancy by any other available means. reissue and/or update of employee policy documents without proper percent (20%) of their time or equivalent to one day a week. representatives from EDD, DOJ, State Fund and the Personal Upon request, the Union shall be provided updated information regarding the post and bid split in order to ensure maintenance of the ratio as described above. Services (CCHCS) executive management to discuss the director, who is working with our CDTFA Joint Committee to Any denial of requests made under this section shall be in writing. This Tuesday Local 1000s Unit 4 bargaining team made great separation of duties for our Driver Safety Hearing officers Transfer of a pre-tenured employee from a special school to a newly established special school for the same type of student; rendition of full-time service for three (3) successive school terms or fiscal years, as applicable, at either or both of such schools, and commencement of service under appointment for full-time service at the newly established school for the next school term or fiscal year, as applicable. Unit 4 returned to the bargaining table on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Mandatory Placement: These Post and Bid provisions do not apply when management chooses to retain a Limited-Term or TAU by a permanent appointment or when an employee must be placed by mandatory reinstatement, promotion in place, changing a permanent intermittent employee to permanent full-time, placement of an employee subject to layoff, State Restriction of Appointments/Surplus lists, proper placement (i.e. Most qualifying pay periods in the department with the vacancy; Most qualifying pay periods in the classification of the vacancy; The most senior timely bidder who satisfies the eligibility criteria shall be offered the position. Employees may submit more than one application per injury/prolonged illness. within their departments. Employees may be required to return such identification cards to the appointing power upon the employee's separation from the State or upon the employee's transfer to another appointing power.
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