For example, the simple notion of the king and queen in their castle at the center of the kingdom brings us archetypally into the human world, the civilized world, the world protected from outside threat with thick brick walls. From the perspective of fairy tales, we do not encounter the steady, inevitable count down of Shanna Swans research alone. Pluto will settle into the water-bearer sign until March 8 2043, and then get ready to change signs again. #plutoaquarius, #astrology, #2023-2044 #plutoaquarius2023-2044, #wethepeople, We are making a huge collective shift starting in March 2023 and lasting until . This past year has really tested the system and woken many people up to stuff that before was considered lunatic conspiracy theories. The Mountain Astrologer is widely acknowledged as the best Inequality was built into the system for centuries. Pluto, the great transformer, can revitalize your friendships in a deep and noticeable way. so if you want to change society, you have to change yourself and not at the behest of some technocrat! They cannot imagine a different world other than what theyre used to and dont realise the change that has already happened, is the point of no return. Robert Fagles, Penguin Books, 2006, Loc. Meanwhile, the Spanish were invading the Incan empire in South America in the early 1530s, plundering their gold and destroying their culture. A new era is dawning - we will see Pluto in Aquarius from March 2023 (until early June, after which it retrogrades back in to Capricorn). America now will have its Pluto return starting Feb, 2022 - which will stay there all the way until October 2023. John Moriarty, Dreamtime, The Lilliput Press, 1994, p. 97. Thanks for a great post as always! Add These Dates to Your G-Cal March 7: Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn enters PiscesMarch 16: Venus enters Taurus March 20: Aries season beginsMarch 21: New Moon in AriesMarch 23: Pluto enters AquariusMarch 25: Mars enters CancerWe're only a few mont 4) My fourth prediction is an increase in National revolutions worldwide. And you also didnt mention that the Haitian Revolution, which brought about the first free Black nation in the so-called New World in 1804, started in 1791. Center cannot hold: Background image by Bronisaw Drka, Pluto by Peter Lomas, Aquarius glyph by Tanya, all via Pixabay. You will have to read the fairy tale yourself to get the whole story. I never thought society could become so conformed by materialistic values and unquestionably obedient to nonsensical rules and regulations. Like the goldfish swimming in confined circles, the Western imagination has been moving in increasingly smaller circles for too long. Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. In the early 1780's Massachusetts abolished slavery. We need real inner change if were going to survive beyond the middle of this century. See also The Astrology of 2023 The Energy of Aquarius That would mean no babies. With the planet of destruction moving. The next industrial revolution (Aquarius rules robotics) A wave of political . William Blake, who was highly critical of the industrial revolution and the Enlightenment focus on reason, wrote The Marriage of Heaven and Hell in 1790-93, and published his Songs of Innocence and of Experience in 1794. It promises to be a challenging and revolutionary time that will turn society upside down. Forever invisible to the world above, never to be seen, resigned to inner life, psychic life, image, ever-present. He converted to Christianity in 312 and was involved in the Edict of Milan in 313 which established religious tolerance for Christians in the Empire. Aquarius rules the 11th house which is a very different energy. Perhaps the French Revolution yielded to two years of the Reign of Terror because the Water of Life dried up, resigning the culture over to harsh conditions and death. Continuing this theme and going deeper into the Saturnian nature of Capricorn and its hold throughout the globe, on February 23, 2021, Shanna Swan, PhD, published her book Count Down: How Our Modern World is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race. I enjoyed reading this blog post about Pluto in Aquarius. Brotherhood and sisterhood. The zodiac sign it passes through, shows where all the control is. During the cycle of Pluto in Aquarius the French Revolution and also the American revolutionary wars highlighted the impact of an Aquarian Pluto on human history. Finally, the most recent Pluto transit of Aquarius was in 1777 1797 while Uranus was in Gemini. WHEN: Pluto will pay a brief visit to Aquarius from March 23, 2023 until June 11, 2023. 5. This is when we'll get an inkling of the kinds of changes to come (watch the news for Pluto in Aquarius themes). During the coming phase of Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2042, incredible discoveries for the benefit of humanity will occur . This may be fun for a while, but it makes you dependent on a technology (and science) that you dont understand and cant control. Taken from this issue: I wonder why you describe dark matter as nonsense, though? By the 1780s it was moving toward its "Full Moon"-the most awesome one of all. Proud Member of: Mediavine Publisher Network Architectural Digest 2018 - Star Sign Style. Over the course of the first five years of the revolution, French society and its long, traditional history were pulled up by the archetypal roots. , Your email address will not be published. Center that holds: Aquarius by Dorothe, Pluto by Peter Lomas, both via Pixabay. Pluto enters Aquarius in March 2023 for the first time since his 1778-1798 soujourn brought with it sweeping changes in social order and individual freedoms, including: the ratification of the American constitution, the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, the Enlightenment, the publishing of The Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollestonecroft The following list begins to answer that question: The theme clearly emerges. Published in: The Mountain Astrologer, Capricorn Sol 2022/23. Pluto in Aquarius, 2023 - 2044. Rummage in thearchives hereor exploremy books. As with all air signs, Aquarius can be cooler and less emotional in its expression but, heated up by Plutos intensity, may have more warmth. Pluto was next in Aquarius in 1532 1553 while Neptune was in Aries. Its purifying action brings about regeneration through the destruction of outmoded forms with both positive and negative consequences. In 2023, Pluto only peeks into Aquarius for a couple of months before stepping back into Capricorn. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius, between 1778 and 1798, was a time of social, political and scientific revolution, and there is no reason to think this upcoming period won't be the same. It's worth noting that both Pluto and Aquarius have "fixed" attributes. When Neptune moved through Leo in the 1920s, the Golden Age of Hollywood lit up the silver screen with movies centered around their celebrities, their stars. We may start out aiming to improve life but then discover the unintended consequences of technological development create even more problems. 2. Here are the dates of Pluto's movement between Capricorn and Aquarius: If youd like to support my work, you can donate via PayPal here, or hit the button. The direction for the psyche, and the direction for Pluto, is down, down, down, into the Underworld. Last passage of Pluto in Aquarius (1778-1800) caused events like the French Revolution 1789 and the American Revolution. No more humans. The last time Pluto move through Aquarius was: We might say the 1780s and 90s best reveal the events of this time. Pluto last traveled through Aquarius from 1777-1796, a period which witnessed the American revolution, the French revolution, the Industrial revolution in England. Saturn may rule prisons, but Aquarius rules wells. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, there was the French Revolution. I started writing about the Dark Side of Innovation & the Internet in 2015. On May 5, 1789, revolution broke out in France, with Pluto at 19 Aquarius. The work was soon being performed throughout German-speaking Europe,[50] and thoroughly established Mozarts reputation as a composer. Today, we take this ordinary, common fact for granted. However, if you see consciousness as primary and physics as an open system, this gives rise to a radically different worldview and society one free from debt and slavery. Its just a matter of time. Uranus's opposition to Pluto in this time coincided with the French Revolution, often pointed to as an example of Enlightenment rationalism run amok. A lot of things within the system have in practicality already imploded. In 2022, the third year of a global pandemic, this certainly seems true. This was when Henry VIII told the Pope to get lost and then set up the Church of England so he could marry Anne Boleyn in 1533. As revolutions tend to be, it was also messy and full of unforeseen complications. 26. Fishbowl: Ahmed Zayan, via Unsplash. Archetypes reveal themselves in persistent images and through the imagination that shows up in a persons life or throughout a culture. (10), On June 16, 2022, a television show called, One prominent wall, of course, is the wall begun in 2017 by then-president Donald Trump, between the southern border of the US and Mexico. . Pluto in Aquarius represents some of the most profound times in history when the center (be it personal, psychological, cultural, governmental, political, financial, or otherwise) is unable to hold. Astro-Databank, the world-wide unique collection of more than 35`000 chart data is online Here are the dates for your diary: Pluto represents the principle of transformation and the evolutionary forces of life and death expressed through the primordial instincts and Kundalini energy. The French Revolution was a watershed event in world history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Uranus-Neptune generation born from the early 1990s will then begin to mature and stand up for their rights. Saturn represents the governmental structures that hold society together. Imbolc Beauty Rituals Spring Clean During Aquarius Season! Here, the forest is not just a forest. This has allowed authorities to steadily take our freedoms away and for those that still dont realise what this will lead to, the World Economic Forum has already advertised, You will own nothing and be happy. The Industrial Revolution was also picking up speed and steam power was revolutionising transport and the textile industry. First, let's talk about Aquarius. , Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Pluto in Aquarius: the Evolution of Society and Technology. Pluto dips toes in Aquarius from March 23, 2023 till June 11, 2023, handiest on 0. Astrologer Chani Nicholas says that big changes are coming in 2023: "The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was during the French Revolution." This Oprah-Approved Astrologer Has Some Advice for Your 2023 17811785: Serfdom is abolished in the Austrian monarchy (first step; second step in 1848). If Pluto in Capricorn means the transformation of social structures, corporations, authority, and the established hierarchy, then Pluto in Aquarius will bring about the transformation of the rules and social norms that bind society together, as well as our ideas about humanity, and how we use science and technology to manifest those ideas. We're already seeing glimpses of Pluto's fingerprints in this tech-savvy sign . topics. It is important to realize that the next couple of years will be especially decisive for the future of humanity and the reshaping of society . It not only contains birth data, The year 1777 immediately caught my eye because July 4, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was declared, giving birth to the strongest empire the world has known to date. Read this article on the military roots of the internet for more: The Secret History of Silicon Valley. See, Poem of the week: After Great Pain by Emily Dickinson. See, Antidepressants Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis. Sep 1, 2024 at 8:10 PM Pluto Rx enters . The human world is full of human limits and human problems, including aging, fertility, and rulers who become tyrannical. Paintings during the Enlightenment were realistic portraits aimed at depicting the external world with accuracy and precision based on careful observation. The intra-psychic thing is kind of mentioned in the post, although not named as such. The American Revolution began (officially) on April 19 1775, just before Pluto got into Aquarius. Medicine and other scientific pursuits began to take precedence. Pluto will stop at 0 degrees in Aquarius from March through June, 2023, before a brief final tour of Capricorn. Perhaps the next radical revolution will be an inner revolution, each individual finding within themselves a new center that can hold. Pluto's transit in Aquarius begins on March 23, 2023, until June 11, 2023, when it returns to Capricorn. See, Anthony Hopkins is oldest-ever acting Oscar winner after taking best actor for The Father. It can be found at Considering that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all made their way through Aquarius during the 1990s and early 2000s into 2012, Plutos entrance into Aquarius is like the long third act of a drama that began decades (if not centuries) ago. Astrology for the aesthetically inclined. For our purposes, what archetypal dynamics can we see within the French Revolution that help us understand Pluto in Aquarius? Finally, the Classical form of music reached its peak in the genius of Mozart, as well as Haydn and Beethoven. It is an archetypal realm populated with animals, darkness, shadows, mystery, wildness, unpredictability. Where the Sun represents the center around which solar systems form, Saturn represents a profound limit, an outer edge. Decades of Enlightenment ideals began to merge with centuries of traditional ways of life under the hierarchical structures of power, profoundly challenging the entire system. Due to its elliptical orbit, the time spent in each of the 12 signs is not uniform, ranging . in 1600 stores worldwide or online by (print or digital) subscription. See, Toni Morrison interview.. See his birth chart! I love William Blake, a Sagittarius Sun-Jupiter-Pluto, with Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars-Neptune-North Node in Leo. The last time Pluto marched in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798. By all accounts, the French Revolution is one of the most fascinating, intricate, and tumultuous periods of history, forever changing France, Europe, and Western culture altogether. During this time, the role of king came to an end once and for all with Louis XVI, the last King of France, unable to manage the revolution. Though monarchies have been disbanded or severely reduced in power, the revolution that began in the 1700s is incomplete because new power structures have taken their place, continuing . Atop the hierarchy was the king, the centerpiece of the kingdom, sitting on his throne, holding absolute power invested in him by God, monarch (one who rules alone) by divine design, shining like the Sun. The destiny of the twenty-first century will be shaped by the possibility or the collapse of a shareable world. Pluto will enter Aquarius in 2024, and Uranus will have its own Pluto return (that is, when Pluto returns to 6 Aquarius like it did when Uranus was discovered) in 2027. 24. of the astrological community and makes it available to everybody. The American Revolution was still going on when Pluto moved into Aquarius back in the 18th century. Charles I lost his head in England during the Uranus-Pluto opposition of 1649; Louis XVI lost his head in France during the Uranus-Pluto opposition of 1793. Revolution was spreading elsewhere too. He was a prolific and influential composer, widely regarded as among the greatest composers in the history of Western music. The French Revolution is an event timed with Pluto's last tour of Aquarius. Where Leo is a Sun-ruled sign, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. In Russia, Catherine the Great came to the throne in 1762 during Pluto in Capricorn, and reigned until 1796. In Britain, the Houses of Lords and Commons were founded and parliament gained the right of taxation. I love Ludwig Bethovens music. Decades of open discussion and debate on these topics, along with the resulting tensions, fomented the air for radical social change, turning ideas into ideals, and ideals into reality. by Astrodienst is a free encyclopedia of astrology. See, Surrounded by Time. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the hot air balloon was invented! While Pluto flirts with Aquarius in 2023, it won't be consistently in the sign until late 2024. Before the revolution, French society was structured on a centuries-old tradition of hierarchy based on inheritance and privilege. 1783: Montgolfier brothers invent hot air balloon Aquarius is an air sign. The new colonies of the USA amalgamated and broke free from mother Britain, whilst the French monarchy was abolished and the French First Republic was . Both the French revolution and the US Bill of Rights arrived when Pluto last transited Aquarius in the late 18th century (from 1777 to 1798). When Pluto last transited Aquarius between 1778 and 1798, before humankind was even aware of the Pluto influence, the Aquarian cries for independence, liberty and equality triggered political and social upheaval evidenced by the Revolutionary War in America and the French Revolution in France. . Pluto will next reach 0 degrees into Aquarius in March 2023. Humanity currently stands at one of the most significant transformational turning points in its long history. And in 2023, Pluto will move from Capricornus into Aquarius, from a no-nonsense, pragmatic, authoritative and superstructure-focused sign, to a rational, innovative, more humanitarian and liberal-equal position . Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Retrogrades into Capricorn on 11 June 2023, Final visit to Capricorn from 1 September 2024, Enters Aquarius to stay from 19 November 2024, Final visit to Aquarius on 31 August 2043, first cooperative workshop set up by tailors in Birmingham, England in 1777, Lavoisier, the father of chemistry, discovered the composition of air in 1778, first hot air balloon flight by the Montgolfier brothers in 1782, John Michell published his theory of black holes in 1784, metric system developed during the French Revolution and formally defined in 1795, workers built and ran a flour mill as a cooperative in Hull, England in 1795, first successful vaccine for smallpox developed in 1796. Required fields are marked *. The effect of this is that right now the planet Earth is populated with the maximum range of Pluto generations, spanning Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and soon to be Aquarius. This was when William Blake enrolled as a student with the Royal Academy of Arts at Somerset House in London. It has been said that only three percent of the people need to get it for revolution to happen, we are way past those three percent already. With the planet of destruction moving . Pluto's 248-year journey around the sun defines the chapters of world history. This will be its first time since the passing of the 18 th century. These are big questions and they require bigger answers than were currently giving them. This article was published in The Mountain Astrologer, Capricorn Sol 2022/23 and can be purchased here. Virgil, The Aeneid, trans. Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Power to the People One of the most anticipated transits of the decade is Pluto in Aquarius. 17791879: Xhosa Wars between British and Boer settlers and the Xhosas in the South African Republic. For example, if you see physics as being a closed system with finite energy, it determines how you create energy and manipulate matter. This era saw the schism between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches become permanent, and many churches were built in England, such as at Westminster and Winchester. Saturn rules over aging, mortality, time, and the limits of our human lives. Storming of the bastille: Jean-Pierre Houl: The Storming of the Bastille, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons On January 21, 2024, Pluto will set up shop in Aquarius, uninterrupted, for a. Also you say that there is likely to be a social and technological revolution, so what about an intra-psychic one? As an Aquarian astrologer (with Saturn conjunct my sun and lots of Capricorn in my chart!) On January 21, 2024 Pluto re-enters Aquarius again, where it will stay for 20 years. Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023 staying till 2044. Good post Jessica. In this context, I hear Nobel laureate Toni Morrison saying. Mediavine Publisher Network Learn how your comment data is processed. Science is important, but science especially as Pluto moves into Aquarius is not the whole story. In 2023, Pluto's retrograde motion will be strongly felt, as it will travel back and forward between Capricorn and Aquarius. Classical music was less complex than the earlier Baroque styles and made use of clear melodic lines. About The Mountain Astrologer but also all the chart drawings and thousands of biographies. Toni Morrison, The Source of Self-Regard: Essays, Speeches, and Meditations, Alfred A. Knopf, 2019, p. 17. A breakthrough in some form of free energy would achieve this. The cycle lasts about 127 years on average but it ranges between about 113 to 141 years in reality due to Pluto's eccentric orbit. 25. It may be coming sooner than we think, thanks to hormone-disrupting chemicals that are decimating fertility at an alarming rate around the globe. And in Rome, Pope Paul III established another Inquisition in 1542 to deal with the rising tide of Protestantism. See, Oscars 2021 winners: the full list.. He is currently the authoritarian governing our perspectives. Pluto last visited Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, right as the United States began its first wobbly steps as a nation. Fear not, humanity!!! Parallel to the aristocracy were the clergy, also making up 1% of the population. 17851795: The Northwest Indian War is fought between the United States and Native Americans. In 1041 1063 Pluto was in Aquarius along with Neptune in Aries. Together, the signs Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces represent the watery part of the sky: Capricorn the mer-goat, Aquarius the water-carrier, and Pisces the fish. To begin to answer these questions, it is of note that both Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm, were born with Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius throughout history 1778 - the last time Pluto entered Aquarius 1789 - The French Revolution starts while Pluto in Aquarius Pluto in Aquarius predictions for the Zodiac signs Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Summary of Pluto in Aquarius What does Pluto represent? See, The Wall. (Note: walls.) She became known as Madame Dficit because the countrys financial crisis was blamed on her lavish spending and her opposition to social and financial reforms. The Pluto in Aquarius period of 1777-1798 also embraced the French Revolution (1789-1799), hence the theme of Aquarian ruler Uranus dominates - revolution, rebellion, reform and radical action. Most people have some sort of ad-blocker installed. See, Rectify. This creates distortions, such as the transhumanist fantasy of solving the problem of human nature by turning it into a machine. Personality traits at and can be used for free! With climate change and the accompanying extreme temperatures and weather conditions; economies rising and falling across the globe on a dime; divisive governmental stalemates and the rise of authoritarian rule in many countries; culture seemingly eroding, with the arts and artists as we knew and experienced them being eclipsed by content and influencers; and the power of social media constantly reduced to incessant arguing and conflict with no seeming resolution, the impulse toward a new way of living on Earth seems to ripple under the surface of each path pointing toward the future. 1783: The Treaty of Paris formally ends the American Revolutionary War. Real change is archetypal change, at the archetypal level. 1792: The New York Stock & Exchange Board is founded. (3). In the world of philosophy, Kant published his Critique of Pure Reason in 1781, and inspired by the revolutions in America and France, Thomas Paine published The Rights of Man in 1791, and The Age of Reason in 1794. Zero. It will then ingress back into Capricorn in June 2023 for a final hurrah of a few months before finally moving into Aquarius on 24th January 2024, where it will remain for another 20 years. The power of celebrity deepened when Pluto moved through Leo. Its a religious urge: the desire for apotheosis via technology instead of via God. We need to stop handing our power over to people who dont deserve it and corrupt everything they touch., Not sure if enjoy is the right description for such a heavy subject but your writing helps me articulate my thoughts to myself and also I learn a little more about astrology. That being said, because of rigid nationalism, ethnic and religious differences failed to fully integrate. Your email address will not be published. Fortunately the Great Awakening is going to take down the, Great Reset. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 21. Images: 20. Where must lightening strike (Aquarius rules electricity) in order to accomplish this? Woven throughout the culture we see the Old Man, old age, the Father figure, the Senex. Saturn shows himself yet again as a significant figure looming in the backdrop of our culture via the presence of walls and prisons: All of these pieces put together seem to constellate in a much larger image not unlike Albrecht Drers Melencolia I engraving, (22) in which the contemplative, winged figure of Melancholy sits staring into space, with her chin in one palm, wings closed behind her (she is going nowhere anytime soon), having reached a limit, unable to go any further until she has given her situation much thought and consideration. Itll shake itself apart and implode under the weight of its own madness and inherent contradictions. Before Western culture will be released from the conservative grip of Saturn, perhaps we must dip into what Irish culture refers to as the Well at the Worlds End, or Connlas Well. To back up for a moment, fairy tales themselves from any culture have a kind of wisdom that resonates at the soul level and often baffles the reasonable mind, especially the scientific mind. . The shape of its orbit is such that Pluto spends around 34 years in the sign of Taurus, yet only 13 years in the opposite sign, Scorpio. That is what happens by archetypal design when Pluto moves through Aquarius. The move then is upward, like waking from a deep, hibernating sleep. Pluto will transit Aquarius from 2023 to 2044, spending about 18 and a half years there in total, with a few dips in and out at either end. Thanks in advance! In fairy tales, it can hold unexpected solutions to human problems. Pluto in Aquarius will probably make that painfully clear. First, going back a long way, the Romans invaded Britain in 43 CE when Pluto was in Capricorn, and founded the city of London. See, Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity. Scorpio Queen Marie Antoinette No reproduction. It leads to the extraction of resources to run a society based on debt that can never be paid. Its modern ruler is Uranus, its traditional ruler is Saturn (which never made sense to me). The Wiki`s I stood at the border stood at the edge and claimed it as central. There could be more interest in low tech solutions for communities with greater self-sufficiency, sharing resources, repairing and recycling networked and run by the people for the people, rather than through top-down hierarchical bureaucracies. He filled the bathtub and quickly and carefully transferred the fish from its bowl into the tub.
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