Transfers are limited to two salary grades (or one M grade) above the employees current salary grade. (a) Except as required by statute, a formal pleading may be dispensed with in any case in which the party required to serve the pleading appears in person, and an order to that effect may be entered ex parte by the judge presiding at the appropriate motion part, upon application to the clerk, who shall refer the same to such judge. Dear Mr. Hanna: This letter confirms the understandings reached by the parties during 208.12 Videotape recording of depositions (b) The name of such person may be restored to such preferred list, and certified to fill such appropriate vacancies as may thereafter occur, only upon the written request of such person containing a submission of reasons satisfactory to the commissioner of citywide administrative services for the previous failure or refusal to accept reinstatement. View Active Civil Service Lists Online. Sec. (2) The term "police agency" or "police department" shall not be Get free summaries of new opinions delivered to your inbox! 208.19 Notice of calendars The calendar judge may discontinue the call of the ready calendar when sufficient ready cases have been identified to fill all trial parts available on the day of the call and which are expected to become available on the next court day. (a) There shall be a housing part for the hearing of all actions and proceedings in all matters arising under section 110 of the NYCCCA. However, if the verdict of the jury shall be in favor of the plaintiff on the liability issue or in favor of the defendant on any counterclaim on the liability issue, all parties shall then be afforded an opportunity to address the jury on the question of damages before proof in that regard is presented to the jury. Rensselaer County 1600 7th Avenue Troy, NY 12180 County Clerk: 518-270-4080 Sheriff: 518-266-1900 County Office Building: 518-270-2900 Photo Credit: Fred McCag. employees between city agencies. (a) The notice of trial filed by any party pursuant to NYCCCA 1301 shall be accompanied by a certificate of readiness, with proof of service on all parties, in the form prescribed by this section. You can see upcoming announcements for examinations that are Open to All Qualified Individuals on the internet. (b) Such reinstatement may be made only if the separation from employment was without fault or delinquency on the employee's part and the head of the agency to whom the employee has applied for such reinstatement is willing to reinstate the employee. (b) Si esta citacion es entregada a otra persona que no fuera usted personalmente, o si fuera entregada afuera de la Ciudad de Nueva York, o por medio de publicacion, o por otros medios que no fueran entrega personal a usted en la Ciudad de Nueva York, usted tiene TREINTA dias para comparacer y responder la demanda, despues de haberse presentado prueba de entrega de la citacion al Jefe de esta Corte. (8) A penalty action for an immediately hazardous violation shall be commenced by an order to show cause, returnable within five days, or within a lesser time period in the discretion of the court. the date of an individual's birth, except the year thereof; iii. 208.1 Application of Part; waiver; additional rules;. Housing Court Clerk, Room 103 Georgia is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States, bordered to the north by Tennessee and North Carolina; to the northeast by South Carolina; to the southeast by the Atlantic Ocean; to the south by Florida; and to the west by Alabama.Georgia is the 24th-largest state in area and 8th most populous of the 50 United States.Its 2020 population was 10,711,908, according to the U.S . Many State agencies post their vacancy announcements on the Office of Employee Relations (OER) website or internally on (a) Such reinstatement shall be subject to the provisions of this section and shall be made without further examination except that the employee reinstated under this section may be subject to such probationary period, investigation, medical or other qualifying tests or requirements as the commissioner of citywide administrative services shall determine. Are there any programs for people with disabilities? (6) Additional Parts. positions of Suffolk county police officers. Brooklyn, NY 11201, Red Hook Community Justice Center Usted debe dirigirse a las ventanillas del secretario del tribunal, localizada en la direccin enumerada en el frente del sobre que recibi, tan pronto como le sea posible, para responder a la demanda presentando una "contestacin." (b) At least 20 days before the date of such examination, or on such other date as the court may direct, the party to be examined shall serve upon and deliver to all other parties the following, which may be used by the examining medical provider: (1) copies of the medical reports of those medical providers who have previously treated or examined the party seeking recovery. Historical Note You can also email us at [email protected]. (c) There shall be paid to the clerk the following sums as a fee in an action or proceeding in the housing part: (1) upon the request of a tenant for an order directing the owner to correct the violation and to impose a penalty for failure to comply timely with the order-- $20; (2) upon the issuance of a petition by a landlord for the removal of housing violations-- $20. The provisions of this Part shall be construed as consistent with the New York City Civil Court Act (NYCCCA), and matters not covered by these provisions shall be governed by the NYCCCA. Historical Note Application of Part; waiver; additional rules;. the full name of an individual known to be a minor, except the minor's initials; and. I am not an employee of the State of New York but I am seeking to become a New York State employee. (m) All motions pertaining to small claims shall be made returnable at a part and session appointed for the hearing of small claims, except that a motion to remove a case from the small claims part shall be made returnable in the appropriate motion part in the county division of the court in which the action is pending, and shall be in accord with the rules of the NYCCCA generally applicable to motion practice. (a) An agency under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of citywide administrative services, upon written application for reinstatement by a person who was dismissed from a permanent competitive or labor class position in such agency, which sets forth the reasons for requesting an opportunity of making a further explanation, may consider such application. Section 208.39 Procedures for the enforcement of money judgments under CPLR article 52. (i) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (a) of this section, a party may commence any action in the Civil Court in any county (provided that e-filing has been authorized in that county and in the class of actions to which that action belongs pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section) by electronically filing the initiating documents with the clerk of the court through the NYSCEF site. !SI UD. July 24, 2002. Consult the New York State Civil Service Law, Section 70.1 and applicable local civil service rules for more detailed information on transfers. 6.1.9. (f) Every subpoena or other process providing for the examination of a judgment debtor or other person, including a garnishee, in addition to the other requirements of CPLR 5223, shall have endorsed on its face, in bold type, the words: "This subpoena or process (as the case may be) requires your personal appearance at the time and place specified. If your defense or counterclaim, if any, is supported by witnesses, account books, receipts or other documents, you must produce them at the hearing. provisions of subdivision one of this section or any other provision of These transfers are approved/disapproved by Civil Service on an individual basis. Once placed on a calendar, the action shall remain thereon until disposed of, stricken, transferred or otherwise removed. 208.24 Day certain for trial (2) The court sua sponte or on motion by any person may order a party to remove CPI from papers or to resubmit a paper with such information redacted; order the clerk to seal the papers or a portion thereof containing CPI in accordance with the requirement of 22 NYCRR 216.1 that any sealing be no broader than necessary to protect the CPI; for good cause permit the inclusion of CPI in papers; order a party to file an unredacted copy under seal for in camera review; or determine that information in a particular action is not confidential. If the defendant consents to a judgment imposing a civil penalty, no inquest is required to be taken, and judgment shall be entered on consent by direction of the court. He or she shall not be bound by the rules regarding the admissibility of evidence, but all testimony shall be given under oath or affirmation. DC 37 is New York City's largest public employee union, represents about 150,000 members and 89,000 retirees. The following is basic information that will help applicants to understand the hiring process and take the mystery out of getting a job with New York State. (b) The following form is to be used in all cases: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the Civil Court of the City of New York, County of.. at the office of the Clerk of the said Court at .. in the County of .. City and State of New York, within the time provided by law as noted below and to file your answer to the (endorsed summons) (annexed complaint) [FNa1] with the Clerk; upon your failure to answer, judgment will be taken against you for the sum of $.. with interest thereon from the .. day of .. 19.. , together with the costs of this action. Unless otherwise directed by the court, answering and reply affidavits and all other papers required to be furnished to the court by CPLR 2214(c) must be filed no later than the time of argument or submission of the motion. Absent special circumstances, the day designated for trial shall be a date which does not in effect grant a preference to the action. If you believe you meet the criteria for transfer to a posted vacancy, you should note that on your application. A consumer credit transaction does not include debt incurred in connection with, among others, medical services, student loans, auto loans or retail installment contracts. Oct. 1, 2014. (c) If no appropriate vacancy shall exist to which reinstatement may be made, or if the work load does not warrant the filling of such vacancy, the name of such person shall be placed upon a preferred list for the person's former or similar position, and such person shall be eligible for reinstatement therefrom for a period of four years from the date of medical and physical qualification. (a) The commissioner of citywide administrative services may, by rule, designate as separate units for suspension or demotion under this section, any institution or any division of any agency. Section 208.14-a Proof of Default Judgment in Consumer Credit Matters (Uniform Civil Rules for the New York City Civil Court). Sec. Section 70.1 of the Civil Service Law allows transfer without further examination from one title to another when a sufficient degree of similarity exists between the minimum qualifications, tests and/or duties of the specific titles involved. Telephone number: Quizs usted quiera comunicarse con un abogado. Office and P.O. (b) There are hereby designated within the department of health the following separate units for suspension or demotion: (1) urine testing laboratory of the methadone maintenance treatment program; (2) Williamsburg methadone maintenance clinic of the methadone maintenance treatment program; (3) evaluation and control unit of the methadone maintenance treatment program. (e) If, after the expiration of 21 days (30 days in the case of a commercial claim arising out of a consumer transaction) from the date the notice was mailed, the ordinary first class mailing has not been returned as undeliverable, the defendant shall be presumed to have received notice of the claim. A motion must be supported by affidavit by a person having firsthand knowledge, satisfactorily explaining the reasons for the action having been stricken and showing that it is presently ready for trial. (c) No adjournment of an examination shall be valid unless reduced to writing and a copy thereof delivered to the judgment debtor or other person, including a garnishee, at the time of such adjournment, and his acknowledgment of the receipt thereof is endorsed on the original. All trial counsel shall remain in attendance at all stages of the trial until the jury retires to deliberate unless excused by the judge presiding. (f) The affidavits required by this section may not be combined. The final determination on whether or not a transfer will be allowed is the responsibility of Human Resources, and requires the approval of the Department of Civil Service. . (Sections 75, 75-b, 76 and 77 of the Civil Service Law are set forth in full . (ii) Documents that are electronically filed to commence an action in compliance with this section shall be deemed filed with the Clerk of the Civil Court in the county in which the action is brought for purposes of section 400 of the New York City Civil Court Act upon the date of receipt of those documents by the NYSCEF site, together with the payment of any required fee. Actions shall be taken in order from the top of the general calendar or preliminary conference calendar and placed at the end of the pretrial conference calendar. Historical Note If the claimant fails or refuses to pay such filing fees, the court shall dismiss the case. Amended (f)(2). (e) Parties relying solely on hospital records may so certify in lieu of serving medical providers' reports. (b) If a day certain is ordered, the action shall be withheld from the ready calendar until that day, at which time it shall appear at the top of the ready calendar. you may have opportunities to transfer to other titles, and this webinar is for you! to request a workshop. (2) that the premises are a multiple dwelling and, pursuant to the Administrative Code, sections 27-2097 et seq., there is a currently effective registration statement on file with the office of code enforcement in which the owner has designated a managing agent, a natural person over 21 years of age, to be in control of and responsible for the maintenance and operation of the dwelling. Test Guides are designed to familiarize candidates with the format of the test. The notice of motion shall read substantially as follows: Upon the affidavit of_____, sworn to on _____19_____, and upon (list supporting papers if any), the_____will move this court at_____(specify the Part), at the _____Courthouse,_____, _____, New York, on the_____day of_____, 19_____, at 9:30 a.m. for an order (briefly indicate relief requested).1, The above-entitled action is for (briefly state nature of action, e.g., personal injury, contract, property damage, etc.). 208.29 Traverse hearings 208.41-a Commercial claims procedure construed to include the police department of a city of one million or (b) The clerk shall reduce this information to a written statement on a form provided therefor and shall record it in his or her office. 2. Can New York State employees take Open Competitive Examinations? (b) All subpoenas and processes for the examination of judgment debtors or other persons, including garnishees, if made returnable in the court, shall be filed with the clerk of the appropriate motion part, with proper affidavits of service, at least two court days before the return day, except where service was made too late for filing within such time, in which event filing before the hour of the return shall suffice and the clerk shall list all such upon the calendar. (h) If a verified complaint has been served, it may be used as the plaintiffs affidavit of facts where it satisfies the elements of the AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS AND PURCHASE OF ACCOUNT BY DEBT BUYER PLAINTIFF. Civil Court of the City of New York (e) There are hereby designated within the department of housing preservation and development the following units for suspension or demotion: (3) office of rent and housing maintenance; (f) There are hereby designated within the Department of Finance the following units for suspension or demotion: In the event of suspension or demotion, preferred lists and certification and reinstatement therefrom shall be governed by the provisions of section eighty-one of the civil service law. italiano. Auburn Sheriff's DepartmentAuburn Police Department. In every summary proceeding brought to recover possession of real property pursuant to section 711 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law, the petitioner shall allege either: (1) that the premises are not a multiple dwelling; or. (g) In any action arising from a consumer credit transaction, a default judgment shall not be entered against the defendant unless the plaintiff first shall have submitted to a judge or to the clerk of the court proof, by affidavit or otherwise, that the summons served upon the defendant had displayed and set forth on its face the words and added legend or caveat required by subdivisions (d) and (f) of this section. . Transfers are considered to be any movement to a different title within two salary grades without examination (except for certain 70.4 transfers, which are described below). Unless both parties file a request in writing not to enter judgment, the clerk shall, within two days after the filing of the award, enter judgment in accordance therewith, provided the award has been filed within 30 days from the date of filing the consent. Where the wrong county division is stated in the summons, the time of the defendant to appear or answer shall be the later of: (2) the date 10 days after the summons is filed in the proper county division, with proof of service upon the defendant by registered or certified mail of notice stating: (iii) the date within which the answer or notice of appearance is to be filed; and. Sec. NO SE PRESENTA EN LA CORTE CON ESTA CITACION LE PUEDEN CONFISCAR SUS BIENES (PROPIEDAD) Y PERJUDICAR SU CREDITO! Transfer of Eligibility for Permanent Appointment: . For details on the duration of the probationary term for a specific type of appointment, contact the Personnel Department. You can access current and anticipated vacancies, future opportunities, continuous opportunities and much more on our Opportunities in State Government page. Notwithstanding the provisions of 208.22 Pretrial and prearbitration conference calendars Section 208.4-a Electronic Filing in New York City Civil Court. Historical Note The request shall state the title of the action; index number; date of joinder of issue; name, address, and telephone number of all attorneys appearing in the action; and the nature of the action. The petitioner shall also allege the following information: the multiple dwelling registration number, the registered managing agent's name, and either the residence or business address of said managing agent. Type in the title you wish to research and click the "search" button. (d) The matters to be considered at the preliminary conference shall include: (1) the simplification and limitation of factual and legal issues, where appropriate; (2) establishment of a timetable for the completion of all disclosure proceedings; (5) any other matters that the court may deem relevant. (a) Any party claiming a preference under CPLR 3403 may apply to the court by making a motion in a motion part, in accordance with CPLR 3403(b), the note of issue therein referred to being deemed a preference to a notice of trial. (e) Continuous Calendars. 3. Section 208.21 Objection to applications for special preference. The Clerk, if requested, will issue subpoenas for witnesses, without fee thereof. (b) For the purposes of this subdivision: (1) The term "police agency" shall mean any agency or department of a (c) Reserve Calendars. (d) In any action arising from a consumer credit transaction, if the form of summons provided for in subdivision (b) of this section is used: (1) The summons shall have prominently displayed at the top thereof the words CONSUMER CREDIT TRANSACTION and the following additional legend or caveat printed in not less than 12-point bold upper case type: THIS IS A COURT PAPER--A SUMMONS! PART 208. As you will note, several OSA-represented titles will be eligible to file for exams this year: Staff Analyst and Associate Supervisor of School Security (in May, 2023) and Staff Analyst Trainee in June, 2023). You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. (a) Upon the trial of an action, the following papers, if not yet submitted, shall be submitted to the court by the party who has filed the notice of trial: (1) copies of all pleadings, marked as required by CPLR 4012; (2) a copy of any statutory provision, in effect at the time the cause of action arose upon which either the plaintiff or defendant relies; and. Housing Court Clerk Please note: State agencies that contact job applicants do not usually request personal or financial information via text message or over the phone in connection with your response to a job posting. Nov. 5, 1998. THE CLERK (PERSONAL APPEARANCE) WILL HELP YOU!! (d) After any action has been placed on the trial calendar pursuant to this rule, no pretrial examination or other preliminary proceedings may be had, except that if some unusual or unanticipated conditions subsequently develop which make it necessary that further pretrial examination or further preliminary proceedings be had, and if without them the moving party would be unduly prejudiced, the court may make an order granting permission to conduct such examination or proceedings and prescribing the time therefor. Section 208.43 Rules of the housing part. How do I know what titles I can transfer to? The consent must be filed with the clerk of the commercial claims part. (2) Where an action is commenced by electronic filing pursuant to this section, the original proof of service required by section 409 of the New York City Civil Court Act shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court in the county in which the action was commenced by filing with the NYSCEF site. All other parties shall serve copies of the reports of their medical providers within 45 days thereafter. (2) duly executed and acknowledged written authorizations permitting all parties to obtain and make copies of all hospital records and such other records, including X-ray and technicians' reports, as may be referred to and identified in the reports of those medical providers who have treated or examined the party seeking recovery. Discover proceedings now known to be law, the county of Suffolk may, by agreement negotiated between such If the petitioner selects this option, the clerk shall charge the petitioner the cost of postage and a processing fee. (f) Where a defendant defaults by failing to answer the summons or order to show cause, an inquest shall be taken before the court. (b) In any action where it is necessary to take an inquest before the court, the party seeking damages may submit the proof required by oral testimony of witnesses in open court or by written statements of the witnesses, in narrative or question-and-answer form, signed and sworn to. (ii) An action or proceeding involving premises located in postal ZIP codes 10035 and 10037, and the Taft Houses and the Jefferson Houses, shall be noticed and filed in the Harlem courthouse. The face of the envelope shall be addressed to the defendant at the address at which process was served, and shall contain the defendant's name, address (including apartment number) and zip code. Application of Rules . (Signature) ________________________ The time within which the clerk shall enter judgment may be extended by a stipulation in writing for a further period not to exceed 30 days. (2) Form of summons. The summons in a case involving an action in the housing part for the recovery of civil penalties shall be in such form as may be promulgated by the Chief Administrator. Section 208.1 Application of Part; waiver; additional rules; application of NYCCCA; definitions. The plaintiff shall be required to affirm in its affidavit of facts that the debt was purchased from the original creditor before October 1, 2014 and attach proof of that fact. You will also need to cancel your parking permit to stop the fee deduction from your paycheck by completing a Cancellation of Payroll Deduction of Parking Fee Request Form (CS-783.2). Finding out about job opportunities with the State of New York has never been easier!
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