Section 40:62-104 - Supervision, operation and maintenance; collection of charges; contracts. During the probationary period, he or she shall be known as a "probationary officer." Section 40:41A-35 - County executive, filling of vacancy in office; procedure. Is A Backswimmer A Secondary Consumer . Pursuant to N.J.S.A. However, the Federal Air Marshal Service does have problems that need federal retirement annuity and a federal law enforcement salary at . Section 40:14A-4.2 - Provisions relative to budget of certain regional sewerage authorities. Section 40:76-27 - Certain acts prohibited; penalties, Section 40:78-1 - Villages coextensive with township; certain township offices abolished, Section 40:78-2 - Clerk to turn over records; village clerk to act, Section 40:78-3 - Village assessor succeeds township assessor, Section 40:78-4 - Village collector to succeed township collector, Section 40:78-5 - Salaries of assessor and collector, Section 40:79-3 - Municipalities governed by this subtitle; exception, Section 40:80-1 - Special election; petition, Section 40:80-2 - Clerk to call election; notice, Section 40:80-3 - Ballot; number, form and content, Section 40:80-4 - Place of holding election, Section 40:80-5 - Election agents; designated by petition, Section 40:80-6 - Time polls to be open; election officers; report, Section 40:80-7 - Clerk to certify result, Section 40:80-8 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:80-9 - If majority against adoption no petition for two years, Section 40:80-10 - Corporate existence and name continued, Section 40:80-11 - Elective and appointive officers' terms cease; exceptions, Section 40:80-12 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable; law relating to municipal courts unaffected, Section 40:80-13 - Educational system unaffected, Section 40:80-14 - Sinking fund commissions unaffected, Section 40:80-15 - No proceedings to adopt other government within four years. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. This website was designed to provide as much information as possible about your Police Department and to make access to our services easier and more user friendly. Section 40:69A-152 - Terms of municipal officers, Section 40:69A-153.1 - Dual candidacy; prohibition, Section 40:69A-162 - Candidates elected in municipalities adopting article 13 or 14, Section 40:69A-163 - Interest in contracts or jobs forbidden, Section 40:69A-164 - Franks, free passes, tickets or services; acceptance forbidden, Section 40:69A-165 - Promise of office, position, employment or benefits forbidden, Section 40:69A-167 - Failure to appear or testify before court, legislative committee or Governor, Section 40:69A-168 - Elective officers; removal by recall petition and vote, Section 40:69A-170 - Signatures to recall petition, Section 40:69A-171 - Notice to officer; recall election; notice of filing of petition, Section 40:69A-173 - Removal of more than one officer, Section 40:69A-174 - Election of successor; use of recall ballot, Section 40:69A-175 - Laws governing recall elections; selection of candidate for successor of recalled incumbent, Section 40:69A-176 - Publication of notices of arrangements for recall elections; conduct, Section 40:69A-178 - Successor where incumbent resigns or is recalled, Section 40:69A-179 - Meetings of council; journal, Section 40:69A-180 - Rules of procedure; quorum; ordinances and resolutions; presiding officer; compensation, Section 40:69A-181 - Adoption and publication of ordinances; effective date, Section 40:69A-182 - Recording of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:69A-183 - Rules and regulations; filing; publication, Section 40:69A-184 - Petition; percentage of legal voters required, Section 40:69A-185 - Power of referendum; time for filing petition, Section 40:69A-186 - Petition papers; affidavits, Section 40:69A-187 - Filing of petition papers; examination; certification of result, Section 40:69A-188 - Amendment of initiative or referendum petition, Section 40:69A-189 - Suspension of ordinance, Section 40:69A-190 - Submission to municipal council, Section 40:69A-191 - Submission of ordinance to voters; withdrawal of petition, Section 40:69A-192 - Timing of election at which submitted to voters, Section 40:69A-193 - Number of proposed ordinances voted upon; time between special elections, Section 40:69A-194 - Publication of ordinance. Section 40:55D-23 - Planning board membership. 40 percent of today's newly promoted captains represent minority populations, including Jersey City's first Muslim police captain: Mohammad A. Riaz. Section 40:55D-142 - Procedure for municipality located in pinelands area. Section 40:62-3 - Ordinance authorizing sale or lease; laws governing. Section 40:55D-15 - Notice of certain hearings. Section 40:56-78 - Limitation on liability for injury to person or property due to movable structures, appurtenances, etc. Section 40:48-4.12 - Municipalities to provide service. The ordinance may provide for the appointment of a chief of police and such members, officers and personnel as shall be deemed necessary, the determination of their terms of office, the fixing of their compensation and the prescription of their powers, functions and duties, all as the governing body shall deem necessary for the effective with municipal governments, Section 40:54D-44 - Prior obligations unaffected, Section 40:55-21.15 - Municipalities qualified to receive certain state aid; urban growth zones; determination by ordinance; exemption of projects from land use ordinances, Section 40:55-52 - Authentication before filing, Section 40:55B-2 - Legislative finding; purpose of chapter, Section 40:55B-3 - Creation; official title, Section 40:55B-4 - Body corporate; number of members, Section 40:55B-8 - Purposes, functions, and additional powers, Section 40:55B-8.1 - Contracts relating to transfer of interest in real estate; veto by mayor, Section 40:55B-8.2 - Restrictions or conditions on real property sold or leased by commission, Section 40:55B-9 - Study of tax structure, Section 40:55B-10 - Limitations on powers; appropriations; records and reports. Section 40:48-2.12r - Complaints, proceedings against landlord, recovery from tenant. Section 40:55D-89 - Periodic examination. This program permits qualified applicants to apply for admission to an approved academy for the purpose of participating in the Basic Course for Police Officers. Section 40:60-51.5 - Waiver, release or modification of covenants, conditions or limitations as to erection of buildings or use of land in conveyances, Section 40:60-51.7 - Sale of lands acquired for places of resort and recreation, Section 40:60-51.8 - Burial grounds for indigents; removal and reinterment of bodies; sale of land, Section 40:60-51.9 - Cost of removal and reinterment, Section 40:60-51.10 - Applicability of act to sales of land previously made, Section 40:60-51.12 - Leasing of municipal real estate to nonprofit entities, Section 40:61-1 - General powers; acquisition of property, Section 40:61-2 - Sale or donation of park lands to state; reversion by nonuse; provisos, Section 40:61-3 - Return of certain unused lands to municipality by park commissions, Section 40:61-4 - Entertainments to raise funds for improvement and maintenance; no charge for children, Section 40:61-5 - Use by school children; admission fee; exceptions, Section 40:61-6 - Library, art gallery and museum in parks; site; control, Section 40:61-7 - Memorial buildings in parks; ordinance authorizing; referendum, Section 40:61-8 - Referendum; notice and publication, Section 40:61-10 - Ballot; form and content; ordinance adopted, Section 40:61-11 - Relocation of streets or railways; cost; exchange of lands, Section 40:61-12 - Ordinances regulating railways in and through parks, Section 40:61-13 - Park lands held by trustees; agreement with trustees; enforcement, Section 40:61-14 - Contribution to maintenance of park lands held by trustees, Section 40:61-15 - Conveyances of burial grounds to municipalities for parks, Section 40:61-16 - Burial grounds conveyed; acceptance and use by municipality, Section 40:61-17 - Recreation commission; creation, Section 40:61-18 - Commissioners; term and compensation, Section 40:61-19 - Recreation commissioners; powers, Section 40:61-20 - Bond issue; state and federal aid, Section 40:61-21 - Lease of premises for contests and exhibitions, Section 40:61-22 - Rules and regulations; quorum, Section 40:61-22.1 - Conveyance of land to county park commission, Section 40:61-22.2 - Sale of reclaimed lands abutting park lands, Section 40:61-22.3 - Public sale to highest bidder; advertisement; minimum price; adjournment, Section 40:61-22.4 - Lease of lands when fixed minimum price not bid, Section 40:61-22.5 - Use of proceeds of sale or lease, Section 40:61-22.6 - Public golf course and other recreational facilities; acquisition of property, Section 40:61-22.7 - Maintenance, improvement and operation; buildings, structures and equipment, Section 40:61-22.9 - Commission to supervise and control, Section 40:61-22.10 - Appropriation by governing body, Section 40:61-22.11 - Fees, rents and charges, Section 40:61-22.11a - Municipal golf courses, Section 40:61-22.12 - Rules and regulations, Section 40:61-22.13 - Actions for violations; enforcement of rules, Section 40:61-22.14 - Fines and penalties; part of municipal funds, Section 40:61-22.15 - Lease of lands and buildings acquired for public golf course and other recreational uses, Section 40:61-22.17 - Power conferred is additional, Section 40:61-22.18 - Cities within first class counties; streets through public parks; widening streets, Section 40:61-22.19 - Rights, liens, interests, reversionary claims or easements in park; acquisition by city. Section 40:69A-60.6 - Powers and duties of aides, Section 40:69A-60.7 - City of first class under Mayor-Council Plan C; police chief; appointment; term of office; removal, Section 40:69A-67.1 - Municipality with Mayor-Council Plan D; housing counsellor; duties, Section 40:69A-67.2 - Appointment; removal; salary, Section 40:69A-82 - Government by elected council and appointed manager and other officers and employees, Section 40:69A-83.1 - Council-manager plan; charter provision; regular municipal or general election; term of office, Section 40:69A-83.2 - Election at large or by wards, Section 40:69A-83.3 - Terms of first council members, Section 40:69A-86 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision, Section 40:69A-88 - Powers of municipality vested in council; exceptions, Section 40:69A-89 - Appointment of municipal manager and clerk and others, Section 40:69A-90 - Departments, boards and offices; deputy manager, Section 40:69A-91 - Municipal council to act as a body; administrative service to be performed through manager; committees or commissions, Section 40:69A-92 - Qualifications of municipal manager, Section 40:69A-93 - Term of municipal manager; removal; suspension, Section 40:69A-94 - Absence or disability of manager, Section 40:69A-95 - Powers and duties of manager, Section 40:69A-96 - Budget; preparation by manager, Section 40:69A-97 - Submission of budget to council, Section 40:69A-97.1 - Council-manager plan deadline, Section 40:69A-98 - Laws conferring powers upon mayor or other executive head construed as meaning municipal manager, Section 40:69A-115 - Adoption by municipalities under 12,000; applicable laws, Section 40:69A-116 - Government by elected council and mayor and appointed officers, Section 40:69A-117 - Composition of council, Section 40:69A-117.1 - Small municipality plan; members of council; election at regular municipal or general election, Section 40:69A-117.2 - First members of council; terms of office, Section 40:69A-117.3 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision, Section 40:69A-120 - Legislative power; quorum; mayor's duties; president of council, Section 40:69A-121 - Executive power; mayor's duties, Section 40:69A-122 - Assessor; tax collector; attorney; clerk; treasurer; other officers; appointment, Section 40:69A-123 - Finance committee and other committees of council, Section 40:69A-124 - Appointment of officers and employees by mayor, Section 40:69A-125 - Residence in municipality not required, Section 40:69A-127 - Duties of municipal clerk, Section 40:69A-130 - Disbursement of municipal funds, Section 40:69A-131 - Tax collector; duties, Section 40:69A-132 - Bond of treasurer and collector, Section 40:69A-149.1 - Adoption by voters; applicable laws, Section 40:69A-149.2 - Government by elected mayor and council, and appointed municipal administrator and other officers and employees, Section 40:69A-149.3 - Council; composition; mayor and councilmen; election; terms of office, Section 40:69A-149.4 - Election at large; terms of office of first elected, Section 40:69A-149.5 - Council; legislative power; status of mayor; quorum; president; special meetings, Section 40:69A-149.6 - Mayor; powers and duties, Section 40:69A-149.7 - Ordinances; approval by mayor, Section 40:69A-149.8 - Mayoral appointments; municipal departments, Section 40:69A-149.8a - Ordinances validated, Section 40:69A-149.9 - Municipal administrator, Section 40:69A-149.10 - Officers and employees; appointment and recruitment by mayor, Section 40:69A-149.12 - Annual budget; preparation, Section 40:69A-149.14 - Municipal funds; disbursement, Section 40:69A-149.16 - Bond; treasurer and collector. Section 40:45-20 - Continuation of provisions for run-off elections, Section 40:45-21 - Run-off elections; adoption or abandonment of provisions; submission by ordinance or petition to voters; vote necessary. Section 40:48B-4.1 - Contracts for joint provision of law enforcement services, Section 40:48B-4.2 - Merging of bargaining units, Section 40:48B-14 - Office of joint municipal tax assessor; establishment, Section 40:48B-15 - Appointment of joint municipal tax assessor, personnel; apportionment of operating costs, Section 40:48B-16 - Term; reappointment; removal, Section 40:48B-17 - Assessors holding office on effective date of this act, Section 40:48B-18 - Employees deemed employees of municipality having largest apportionment valuation on effective date of act, Section 40:48B-19 - Function of assessor; records, Section 40:48B-20 - Termination of joint agreement, Section 40:48B-21 - Applicability of Consolidated Municipal Service Act. Section 40:12-7 - Appropriation for current expenses; office, Section 40:12-8 - Costs and expenses; bonds; special fund, Section 40:12-14 - Joint municipal action, Section 40:12-15 - Forest reserve as public park. Section 40:14A-7.1 - Audit of accounts of sewerage authority annually; filing, Section 40:14A-7.2 - Certified copies of bond resolutions and proceedings; filing, Section 40:14A-7.3 - Interest on deposits with sewerage authorities, Section 40:14A-7.4 - Service charge by sewerage authority for returned check. Section 40:55D-96 - Exceptions, permitted, Section 40:55D-97 - Submission of storm water management plan, ordinances; approval, Section 40:55D-98 - Grants for preparation of storm water management plans, Section 40:55D-99 - Technical assistance and planning grants for municipalities from counties and county planning agencies and water resources associations, Section 40:55D-101 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:55D-103 - Manufactured homes on land with title in owner, Section 40:55D-104 - Prohibition of use by municipal agency of discriminatory development regulations to exclude or restrict, Section 40:55D-105 - Review and approval of development regulations by municipal agency; determination of mobile home parks as means of affordable housing, Section 40:55D-106 - Trailers; inapplicability of act, Section 40:55D-107 - Historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-108 - Historic preservation commission funded by governing body, Section 40:55D-109 - Responsibilities of commission, Section 40:55D-110 - Applications for development referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-111 - Issuance of permits pertaining to historic sites referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-112 - "Landmark" as substitute, Section 40:55D-114 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-116 - Development transfers, Section 40:55D-117 - Report; infrastructure plan; amendment of master plan, land use regulations, Section 40:55D-118 - Designation of sending, receiving zones, Section 40:55D-119 - Development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-121 - Review, recommendations by county planning board, CADB, Office of State Planning, Section 40:55D-122 - Recording of transfer; record to assessor; taxation, Section 40:55D-123 - 3-year, six-year reviews; prevention of repeal, Section 40:55D-124 - Repeal of development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-125 - Development transfer bank, Section 40:55D-125.1 - Solid waste facility buffer zone; definitions, Section 40:55D-126 - Sale of development potential, Section 40:55D-127 - Right to bargain for equitable interest, Section 40:55D-128 - Farm benefits rights, Section 40:55D-131 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-133 - Extension of approval; exceptions, Section 40:55D-134 - Extension of project exemption, Section 40:55D-136 - Liberal construction. Section 40:12-15.3 - Propositions deemed approved by voters of county. It bans state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies from establishing arrest and citation quotas or using the data when "evaluating the performance of a law enforcement officer, or as a. Section 40:9A-4 - Standards for libraries. The state will transition to a new science test for grade 5, which will measure the new NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards taking effect in Spring 2024. nys science 8th grade science test 274 results Sort: Relevance View: Practice Review 8th grade Physical Science Test (NYS) by Lesson Universe 4 $3.00 Word Document File Apply for the Job in . Section 40:48B-2.1 - Joint meeting, regional service agency; powers and authority. Section 40:67-16.5a - Fines for violation of certain truck route ordinances; required signage. Municipalities and Counties Current as of February 19, 2021 | Updated by FindLaw Staff Welcome to FindLaw's Cases & Codes, a free source of state and federal court opinions, state laws, and the United States Code. Section 40:43-66.48 - Organization, meeting of consolidation commission. Section 40:12-15.7 - Submission by municipality of proposition authorizing annual levy. Section 40:48C-1.4 - Municipality under rehabilitation and economic recovery, imposition of surcharge. Section 40:50-16 - Host community benefit agreements. Section 40:43-66.42 - Election of members of consolidation commission. Section 40:69A-60.5 - Appointment of executive secretary, aides. Section 40:33-6 - Establishment, maintenance of libraries. Section 40:14-4 - Joint action; authorization; plans and specifications. Section 40:41A-35.1 - Filling of vacancy, interim selection pending election of successor. This course is specifically designed to assist Non-Civil Service officers with promotional exams for all ranks. Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Section 40:62-105 - Necessary powers conferred, Section 40:62-105.1 - Water commissioners; election; to perform duties exercised by township committee, Section 40:62-105.2 - Commissioners to be body corporate; name; general powers, Section 40:62-105.3 - Determination of amount to be raised for ensuing year; election of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.4 - Terms of members of board of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.6 - Annual election in water districts, Section 40:62-105.7 - Nomination of candidates for members of board, Section 40:62-105.8 - Nominating petition; certificate of person indorsed, Section 40:62-105.9 - One candidate's name on petition; number of petitions, Section 40:62-105.10 - Verification of petition, Section 40:62-105.11 - Filing of petition, Section 40:62-105.12 - Defective nominating petitions, Section 40:62-105.13 - Ballots; arrangement of candidate's names, Section 40:62-105.14 - Ballots, specifications, Section 40:62-105.16 - Paper on which ballots to be printed, Section 40:62-105.17 - Registry list of preceding general election; persons becoming of age after preceding general election, Section 40:62-105.18 - Advertisement of election, Section 40:62-105.20 - Opening and closing of polls; books for names of voters, Section 40:62-105.21 - Proclamation of opening of election; judge and tellers, Section 40:62-105.23 - Announcement of results of election, Section 40:62-105.24 - Appropriations voted on, form of question, Section 40:62-105.26 - Borrowing for current expenses and repairs, Section 40:62-105.27 - Rights and powers of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.28 - Money for waterworks and appurtenances; vote; limitation, Section 40:62-105.29 - Meeting to determine amount to be raised; notice, Section 40:62-105.30 - Water accumulation, supply or distribution facilities; acquisition or construction, Section 40:62-105.31 - Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; time and place of meeting; notices, Section 40:62-105.32 - Conduct of election, Section 40:62-105.33 - Bonds; form; issuance, Section 40:62-105.34 - Payment of principal, interest on bonds, Section 40:62-105.35 - Custodian of moneys; disbursements; bond of treasurer, Section 40:62-105.36 - Auditing of books of treasurer; publication of audit, Section 40:62-105.37 - Enlargement of water district, Section 40:62-105.38 - Lands included in district after enlargement, Section 40:62-105.39 - Effect of enlargement upon terms of officers and obligations of district, Section 40:62-105.40 - Dissolution of water district, Section 40:62-105.41 - Application for resolution dissolving district; notice; hearing, Section 40:62-105.42 - Refund of tax paid upon property in district abolished, Section 40:62-105.43 - Refund of taxes paid where no recital of laying off of water district appears upon records, Section 40:62-105.44 - Water district deemed abandoned when territory formed into two or more new municipalities, Section 40:62-105.45 - Allotment and division of property and money between new municipalities; "municipality" defined, Section 40:62-106 - Consolidation of water and sewer systems, Section 40:62-107 - Service shut off for nonpayment of rent, Section 40:62-107.1 - Sale of municipal water plant; deficit; amortization, Section 40:62-107.2 - Application to state auditor, Section 40:62-107.3 - Liberal construction, Section 40:62-107.4 - Purchase of water distribution system of adjoining municipality. Section 40:84-2 - First election; when held. Section 40:62-127 - Water rates and regulations. Section 40:62A-2 - Establishment and maintenance of commissary; cost; profits, Section 40:63-31.1 - Sale or lease of municipal facilities to privately-owned utility; conditions, Section 40:63-31.2 - Construction of incidental facilities for sale or lease to privately-owned utility; assessment of cost, Section 40:63-31.3 - Refund or credit to property owners, Section 40:63-40 - Purchase of lateral sewers by municipality; contracts validated; bonds, Section 40:63-68 - Contracts with other municipalities generally, Section 40:63-69 - Definitions; "joint meeting" ; "improvement or works", Section 40:63-70 - Construction of improvements or works; sewers connecting therewith, Section 40:63-71 - Surveys and maps; municipalities may enter on land to inspect, Section 40:63-72 - Surveys and maps filed with municipal clerks; costs estimated, Section 40:63-73 - Surveys and maps; consideration of by each municipality, Section 40:63-74 - Rejection by municipality; notice to interested municipalities, Section 40:63-75 - Approval by municipality; resolution; notice to interested municipalities, Section 40:63-76 - Notice of intention to make, Section 40:63-77 - Contents of notice; objections to ordinance filed; procedure, Section 40:63-78 - When failure of notice not to invalidate proceedings, Section 40:63-79 - Joint contract; ordinances authorizing, Section 40:63-80 - Contents of ordinance; capacity, use, cost and expense apportioned, Section 40:63-81 - Joint contract; execution; recording, Section 40:63-82 - Proceedings after joint contract to be by resolution, Section 40:63-83 - Joint contract; modification; supplemental contract for future management, Section 40:63-84 - Separate municipal action relative to joint system; local connecting sewers, Section 40:63-85 - Joint meeting; organization; officers; vacancies; duration of power, Section 40:63-86 - Officers; oaths and bonds, Section 40:63-87 - Voting by municipalities, quorum; specific concurrence required, Section 40:63-88 - Exclusive powers except in money matters; actions by joint committee; benefits to accrue to all, Section 40:63-89 - Joint meeting; rooms and buildings, Section 40:63-90 - Reorganization when work completed; maintenance and operation, Section 40:63-91 - Acquisition of land; purchase, Section 40:63-92 - Condemnation of lands; procedure, Section 40:63-93 - Condemnation; right of entry upon appointment of commissioners, Section 40:63-94 - Contracts for improvements or works, Section 40:63-96 - Repair, rebuilding and operation; cost; provisions in contract for, Section 40:63-97 - Increase in capacity before or during construction, Section 40:63-98 - Sewers; disposal plants enlarged; approval of department of health; contract for; cost, Section 40:63-99 - Construction in other municipalities; sewers to tidewater, Section 40:63-100 - Discharge in tidewater; consent of department of health, Section 40:63-101 - Use of streets in other municipalities, Section 40:63-102 - Agreement as to terms; procedure where parties cannot agree, Section 40:63-103 - Change of grade of streets in other municipalities; regulation of work; restoration of pavements, Section 40:63-104 - Location of disposal plants in other municipalities; application, Section 40:63-105 - Rejection of application; appeal, Section 40:63-106 - Remedy of dissenting citizens if application granted, Section 40:63-106.1 - Contracts with Passaic valley sewerage commissioners for sewage disposal, Section 40:63-107 - Use of improvements or works by other municipalities; contracts; terms, Section 40:63-109 - Supplemental contract to secure additional accommodations, Section 40:63-110 - Payment for use of joint systems; bonds, Section 40:63-111 - Participating municipalities may be admitted to membership in joint meeting, Section 40:63-112 - Joint meeting to designate portion of system each may use, Section 40:63-113 - Disposal of sewage for others; contracts, Section 40:63-114 - Financial records; monthly statements to participating municipalities, Section 40:63-115 - Cost and expenses of improvements or works apportioned, Section 40:63-116 - Annual expenses; estimated and apportioned; additional payments if necessary, Section 40:63-117 - Assessment for benefits; commissioners; appointment and powers; vacancies, Section 40:63-118 - Assessment for benefits; limitation on extent, Section 40:63-119 - Commissioners; oath and duties; assessment proportionate to benefits; excess apportioned between municipalities, Section 40:63-120 - Assessments for connecting sewers; abutting property, Section 40:63-121 - Assessments on property not directly affected, Section 40:63-122 - Report of commissioners; hearing; report final when confirmed by court, Section 40:63-123 - Compensation of commissioners; costs of proceedings, Section 40:63-124 - Maps and proceedings valid despite misrecitals or other mistakes, Section 40:63-125 - Assessment for benefits; in each municipality; provision for in joint contract; procedure, Section 40:63-126 - Assessments to be a lien; collection, Section 40:63-127 - Assessments for benefits need not be made; municipality to pay whole amount, Section 40:63-128 - Bonds where no assessment for benefits, Section 40:63-129 - Injuries to adjacent land owners from joint sewage disposal plant; action for damages, Section 40:63-130 - Temporary obligations to finance work; renewal, Section 40:63-131 - Renewal of temporary obligations; assessments paid in; disposition; bonds for amount unpaid, Section 40:63-132 - Bonds and temporary obligations; general provisions; amount limited, Section 40:63-133 - Excess of cost over assessments for benefits; bonds; proceeds, Section 40:63-134 - Bonds for construction and maintenance, Section 40:63-135 - Bonds; general provisions, Section 40:63-136 - Bonds and other obligations; payment of principal and interest, Section 40:63-137 - Provisions for payment in lieu of bond issue, Section 40:63-138 - Actions brought by joint meeting; benefits to accrue to all municipalities, Section 40:64-1 - Shade tree commission; members; appointment, Section 40:64-2 - Commissioners' term lengths; alternates, Section 40:64-3 - Organization; salaries of officers and employees, Section 40:64-6 - Performance of duties of shade tree commission by park commission, Section 40:64-7 - Existing commissioners continued; duties and powers; funds, contracts and employees, Section 40:64-8 - Cost of trees and improvements; charge and lien on property; exceptions, Section 40:64-9 - Planting and removal of trees; notice and hearing; emergencies, Section 40:64-10 - Public improvements affecting trees; consent of commission; county park commissions unaffected, Section 40:64-11 - Annual appropriation; estimate; amount, Section 40:64-12 - Penalty; jurisdiction of courts; copy of ordinance as evidence, Section 40:64-13 - Disposition of penalties, Section 40:64-14 - No liability for death or injury, Section 40:65-1 - Ordinances for cost; conformance to grade; exception, Section 40:65-2 - Notice of improvement; contents, Section 40:65-4 - Publication of notice where service impossible, Section 40:65-6 - Notice of improvement unnecessary where notice of ordinance given, Section 40:65-7 - Municipality to make improvement on neglect of owner; contracts, Section 40:65-8 - Costs; record filed; apportionment and assessment; notice to owners, Section 40:65-9 - Assessments a lien; collection and enforcement; installments; errors immaterial, Section 40:65-9.1 - Repair or reconstruction of sidewalks at public expense, Section 40:65-9.3 - Appropriations and procedure, Section 40:65-9.4 - Repair or reconstruction of curbs at public expense, Section 40:65-9.6 - Appropriations and procedure, Section 40:65-11 - Municipality may make annual contract for sidewalks, Section 40:65-12 - Removal of grass, weeds, snow and ice; procedure upon failure.
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