Trooper needs the Raider ISO-8 class to fully shines. In Alliance War special ability places Ability Block for 2 turns as well. It is not certain rather he should equip Striker ISO-8 class or Raider ISO-8 class but whatever you decide you will not be wrong. His main strength is his chance to block (20% when enhanced) which is further increased in Alliance War Defense and his taunt ability which costs only 3 energy and places Defense Up on up to 4 most injured allies. However, if needed, he could be equipped with Skirmisher class as well to make sure that debuffs from his ultimate will be placed on enemies. He should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class but since he unleashes AOE attacks quite often it might be best to exploit that fact by giving him Raider class. She should be considered as the first or second option in any defense team in the Arena because her ability to give additional energy and clear all debuffs from the team can decide most of the battles in the Arena. The synergy between Avengers is really improved and now some Heros who were average before can be a real menace to any enemy team. Additionally, Ghost applies Offense Down on every enemy before their turn, and he and Pym Tech allies are granted +10% Speed as long as they are in Dark Dimension. If you havent maximized this team yet, now you have another reason to do that. Vision can be deadly in the properly composed team and he should not be underestimated especially since he is one of the most versatile characters in the whole game and can be used in almost any team. He could be equipped with Healer Class or with Striker class but Fortifier Class is literally meant for him. Unlike Longshot, Shatterstar is someone who could be used outside of a full X-Factor team because he has 2 extremely dangerous AOE abilities. Thanos and Ebony Maw also has passive healing when they are together so the only liability lies in the fact that Black Bolt cannot be healed by any means. Okoyes full potential will be reached only if she is in a full Wakandan team. Pyro is a naughty Brotherhood Blaster who uses fire attacks and harasses enemies with bleed. Outside of the Astonishing X-Men team, Kitty is just a Protector with increased Dodge rate who removes buffs and flips Taunt but in synergy, she becomes extremely powerful especially in Raids where her potential threatens to be greater even than Anti-Venoms. Kree Oracles first skill inflicts medium damage and grants ability energy to his allies. Dodge chance and increased speed are granted by his passive ability to him and all Defender and Shadowland allies. His second skill attacks primary and adjacent targets causing moderate damage and prolonging negative effects by 1 turn. After Yo-Yo, Kitty Pryde is another Protector whose sustenance relies on her ability to evade attacks and who passively protects allies in every turn instead of taking the hits by herself. In alliance War Offense, 2 Dupes are summoned when Multiple Man is attacked, 2 Dupes are summoned at the start of a battle, and Resistance of Multiple Man and all X-Factor allies is increased by up to 30%. Domino is an X-Force Controller who protects her X-Force allies by transferring all negative effects to Deadpool and providing them with a huge chance to dodge incoming attacks. Mystic is a covert shapeshifter skilled at disabling stealth targets and manipulating enemies into attacking each other, Villain, Global, Mutant, Controller, Brotherhood. ( In War Defense this bouns is applied to him if any of H4H allies has Deflect). It is important to say that if all enemies are not in Stealth, Stealth is applied to Mystique. To make sure that his debuffs will not be resisted, Korath should be equipped with the Skirmisher ISO-8 class which will allow him to place Vulnerability as well and increase his Focus. Nobus ultimate grants one or two Counters to all allies. She has everything you want from a hero she clears buffs and debuffs, she heals herself, she is very fast, her damage is insane and she has AOE. When the passive ability is maximized it allows Shatterstar to heal 20% of his Max Health at the start of each turn. His second skill inflicts blind to the primary target and 3 other random targets and additionally applies Slow to two random targets. Healer ISO-8 Class is mandatory for Hydra Scientist. Al Skill Military allies and Red Guardian additionally receives Regeneration. Her first skill inflicts medium Piercing damage and applies 1-2 random negative effects on the target. Nick Fury is a S.H.I.E.L.D. His first skill inflicts heavy damage and grants a bonus attack for the same amount of damage if the target dodges the initial strike. If he is in the same team with Ultimus, all buffs currently placed on Ultimus will be copied on Kree Cyborg at the start of each turn. Additionally, this skill also applies up to 3 Regeneration to Doctor Octopus, and all allies (in Alliance War applies up to 3 Regeneration for 2 turns instead). A hotheaded Blaster, the Human Torch burns his enemies and boosts his allies offense. Nevertheless, She-Hulk will obviously be used because having another hard-to-beat AW defense team is always a priority. In Dark Dimension passive ability increases Damage of Yellowjacket and all Pym Tech allies by up to 20%. Same as first skill, her special grants 1 charge if she is not in Binary form or uses 1 charge if she is. Even Skirmisher class is very appealing since Kestrel will have a lot of free attacks meaning that she will able to place vulnerability and remove positive effects often. A master of combat mimicry, Taskmaster uses his skill to steal positive effects from enemies. msf taskmaster team order. At the same time, it applies Slow and Stun, and changes the targets Speed Bar by up to -85%. Maria Hill is arguably the best healer in the game currently. It is entirely up to you whether you use them in AW Offense or Defense. As mentioned before, Pym Tech team is made primarily for Dark Dimension but since they are very dangerous even outside of it and since every member of Pym Tech team gains at least 2 Evades during the combat, it is obvious that they can be beaten only by strong premade synergy teams. Elector gains +100000Extra focus for this attack in Alliance War and it cant be counterattacked. If you thought that Silver Surfer is a reward for years of loyalty to Marvel Strike Force, Kestrel is even more. If opponents dont use custom teams they will need at least 2 synergy teams of the higher power to soften your defenses. Squirrel Girl is Young Avengers City Support who supports Young Avengers and other allies with healing and decent attacking capabilities that places various negative effects on unfortunate enemies. He starts with 2 stars and his shards can be gained through premium orbs, blitz orbs, and blitz supplies. Upon activating second ability Rhino is granted Taunt for 1 turn. If fully upgraded, the passive ability enables Proxima to always clear Stealth from the most injured target. Healer ISO-8 class is a natural decision for this hero, although she could increase her Focus by deciding to equip Skirmisher class. and Inhuman allies with Defense Up and Evade while applying Offense Down to all enemies at the same time. Relive a few of Rogue and Gambit's best moments as a couple before they swing into their new series by Stephanie Phillips and Carlos Gomez this Wednesday. It also flips up from 3 negative effects into positive for her and all Shadowland allies. Villain, City, Tech, Brawler, Spider-Verse, Sinister Six. Spider-Man Symbiote, Venom, Carnage, and Scream are natural allies of Anti-Venom but he can be used in some other combinations if needed. Also, War Machine has a chance (100% on maximum rank) to apply Taunt on enemies whose Health is below 50%. Most players call it splash damage. The Thing is a rocky Brawler who deals massive damage to single targets. Security is a resilient guard who taunts while healing herself and slowing her enemies, Villain, Global, Tech, Protector, A.I.M., Minion. Assault is an essential part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hero, City, Mystic, Brawler, Supernatural, Trick or Treat. Ultimus is a Kree warlord and eternal who generates overwhelming energy blasts and force fields. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: Dive into the Mind of M.O.D.O.K. Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate aka S.H.I.E.L.D. Sipa-Press After the introduction of Kestrel, the X-factor team has better synergy with her than with Silver Surfer, so I suggest that you combine them with her. Despite the fact that he already has increased Focus and that all his skills hit multiple targets, Pyro needs the Skirmisher ISO-8 class to be sure that he will place Disrupt when needed (on S.H.I.E.L.D. Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Mobile Strike Force! At the same time ultimate steals up to 10% current health of all enemies redistributing it to all allies (maximum of 50% of Omega Reds max Health can be redistributed) and it reduces Speed Bar by 10% on each target. June's 'Scarlet Witch Annual' #1 will serve as a prelude to 'Contest of Chaos,' an interconnected saga that will run across various Marvel Comics annuals this summer. If Blob is an ally, Toad apples Taunt and Defense Up on Blob and inflict additional damage with his ultimate. Since Pym Teck team equally performs well in both offense and defense, it is entirely up you whether to put them on Hellicarrier or to leave them for attack. White Tiger is a Shadowlands Mystic Brawler who lowers the Defense of enemies and prevents them from healing while increasing the attacking capabilities and Speed of all Shadowland allies. In addition, Iron Man has a passive ability that increases the critical chance of him and his allies and grants him 5% additional damage per Power Armor ally. The damage of Doctor Dooms special ability can be further increased by up to 100% damage per Doombot ally on the battlefield. She could use the Skirmisher class but that shouldnt be the priority. No other team provide better protection than Black Order but is often a risk to leave them in the Defense when you might need them in the attack. Passive ability grants a 50 % block chance if MBaku is Charged and 5% Block amount per Charge. Passive ability grants him a 10% chance for reviving with 10% of his Health and buffs allies with Defense Up when Groot dies. His price is 45 shards available through Heroes Assemble 7-9 mission. Ronan the Accuser is a Kree Controller who blocks the abilities of his enemies and heals his Kree allies. In War Defense She-Hulk also permanently increases the damage of self and all Fantastic Four allies by 30%. Passive ability grants Barrier equal to up to 20% of Shatterstars Max Health to Shatterstar and all X-Factor allies whenever some of them scores a critical hit. Omega Red uses his Mutant Death Aura to apply the Trauma status to foes, preventing their negative effects from being removed or flipped. Other allies are also healed but for significantly less Health. Just dont be nostalgic too much With the introduction of Shang Chi, H4H becomes even stronger. Everything is up to you and your desires. Passive ability grants him and all Asgardian allies immunity to Blind and heals him every turn depending on the number of Asgardian allies. In the Alliance War, Focus-increase is even greater to up to 80%. In my opinion, Mbaku already has enough survivability so any more will not benefit him much, therefore, I should equip him with either Striker or Healer ISO-8 class depending on your needs. If I am wrong, the placement of Astonishing X-Men will be changed accordingly. Upon enemy Critical, there is a 30% chance that Magneto casts Speed Up on self and all Brotherhood allies. Then it chains to 2 adjacent targets ignoring Stealth and causing the same effects with slightly decreased damage (Counterattack breaks this chain). img.emoji { Unfortunately, this also gave him bouts of amnesia every time A good game and deserves attention, there is a similarity of the Avengers movie and similar platfors like shield.Love to play-would she,like all of fantasy. All adjacent targets receive up to 200% Piercing damage and Defense Down for 1 turn. Thanos is a brutal Mystic Protector who hits all targets and drains their health. Phyla-Vells ultimate attacks primary target causing up to 600% damage +25% Piercing and places Offense Down. Iceman has significantly increased sustenance due to his ability to Barrier himself. All attacked targets are affected with 1 Defense Down (up to a maximum of 2) and up to 2 Bleeds. Hella provides sustain and constant healing while all other members of the team have an answer to any possible threats they can meet in Raids. The Things price is only 15 shards currently available through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Blitz Orbs and Blitz Supplies. Recently all members of this team become farmable making Fantastic Four team even more important than before. Welcome back to MSF Mondays! Also, on every block Doctor Octopus heal himself and all Sinister Six allies by 10% of Max Health (20% in War). Choosing ISo-8 class for Sharon should depend on other members of her team. It also places Taunt on She-Hulk and heals for 30% of her Max Health. The introduction of Ironheart will free Vision to be used in other teams making some forgotten Heroes viable for Alliance War and Blitz again. Vision is an Avenger Controller with high dodge rate who can inflict Ability Block and Offense Down to his enemies. Cyclops price is 100 shards currently obtainable through the Raid store. With Asgardians, the most important thing is the initial Loki/Hela connection. A.I.M. S.H.I.E.L.D. Most importantly he heals all Pym Tech allies when some of them dodge meaning that they will be almost unkillable in Dark Dimension. However, since he has an AOE attack, the Raider class is also acceptable. "Nothing scarier than playing a giant floating head.. The potential damage output of this team is amazing and they will be the third strongest Offensive synergy team in the game (after Black Order and X-Man). MBakus ultimate inflicts heavy damage to primary and adjacent targets and if it kills a target, chain to one adjacent target damaging that target for the almost same amount of damage along with targets adjacent to the chained target. Using Minn-Erva in this team restricts you from using her in some other combinations so in worst case scenario she could be replaced with Kree Oracle buy then you will not be able to prevail against some teams that were beatable before. To help him do that you should equip him with Striker ISO-8 class. He is not too expensive since his price is 45 shards but he can be obtained only through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 6-3 Heroes Assemble campaign mission. MBaku is the noble leader of the Jabari tribe who protects his own and relentlessly assaults his enemies. Obviously, as a Support minion, Ravager Sticher can help the team the most if he is equipped with Healer ISO-8 class but if it is needed that he places Bleed with every attack he could benefit from the Skirmisher class as well. When Mysterio dies up to 2 Mirror Images are spawned in his place. Wasp is a very expensive hero and her price is 100 shards obtainable only through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 4-9 Villains United Campaign mission. She is essential for dealing with Asgardians and allows fully developed Symbiots with Anti-Venom to challenge even X-Men. Also, his block chance is increased by 10% for each City Hero enemy. The passive ability also grants him Assist Now on allied Blakc Widows turn. Doctor Stranges ultimate revives the dead ally and heals the rest of the team for the high amount of Health. Darren Cross was the protg of Hank Pym before stealing his company and technology, creating the Yellowjacket suit to crush his foes, Villain, Global, Tech, Blaster, Pym Tech, Aspiring. After the recent update, Wave I Avengers are significantly buffed and now they can be successfully used in Alliance War Defense. Storms skillset makes her ideal for raids especially if combined with Beast, Cyclops, Colossus and Phoenix. Luke Cage is your first Protector and he is available immediately after Spider-Man joins your team. Skirmisher Class is the only logical option for Cloak. Blob is a mutant Protector whose immense mass absorbs damage and Deflects attacks aimed at allies. When Silver Samurai Counterattacks or assist he places 2 Bleeds in addition. Very nice and very crafty, isnt it? At the same time, it grants Defense Up to Stature and 1 random Pym Tech or Hero Bio ally. Heimdal should e equipped with Raider ISO-8 class. For reaching his full potential, other Wave I Avengers must be improved too, which happened recently (Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow are buffed). When we talk about ISO-8 class, in my opinion, the only viable solution for Adam Warlock is Skirmisher class because you want him to place his Ability Blocks and Stuns always. Minions killed by this skilled cannot be revived and this skill cannot be dodged or blocked. To improve his already high critical chance he should be give a Raider ISO-8 class but he can benefit from Skirmisher and Striker class as well. It also grants her and all Young Avenger allies up to 20% Drain and increases their Max Health by up to 20%. If the target has Defense Down already, Swarm attacks it for the third time causing medium damage and places Slow. Her special skill causes up to 320% Piercing damage and clears all positive effects before it Chains to up to 4 adjacent targets causing up to 290% Piercing and clearing up to 3 positive effects after every successful critical strike. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and has a chance to chain to another target. In the Alliance War, it grants Defense Up to all adjacent allies instead. team, have at least a 45% critical chance. His basic skill causes moderate damage after clearing Counter from the target. His first skill inflicts heavy damage and has a chance to chain to up to 4 adjacent enemies. Her special skill summons up to 3 S.H.I.E.L.D. This versatile Hero can be combined with a wide variety of heroes with great success and that makes him extremely valuable. minions became a viable and dangerous force. Every Taskmasters ability is amazing and he definitely belongs in at least Tier 2. The main member of this team is Spider-Man Symbiote so it is of utmost importance to acquire him as soon as possible if you want to see the power of this team. He joins you for free at the start of the game and his shards are farmable via Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Hometown Heroes Orbs, and 1-6 Heroic Assemble Campaign mission. If there are no Stealthed targets Green Goblin attack the primary target instead (this practically means that Green Goblin will ignore Taunt if there are Stealthed target on the battlefield). Since she had 2 AOE abilities she should be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class which will allow her to place Vulnerability on the entire enemy team while increasing her damage potential in the process. Additionally, his Resistance is increased for u to 50% and another 50% if he has Cosmic Villain enemy, while his Focus is also increased by 50% + 50% if he has a Hero Cosmic ally. Once it is executed this attack repeats itself in full power. At the same time, Marias ultimate attack all enemies causing up to 350% damage on each enemy and heals all Skill allies by up to 35% of Marias Max Health and all non-Skill allies by up to 20% of her Max Health. We need to understand a few things about the setup to maximize synergies and combat attacks against us. Raid Custom team and Kree team with Minn-Erva will be able to clear the most difficult nodes without losing health at all, but she is best when used with the Cosmic-Tech team and Black Bolt. As for ISO-8 class, Invisible Woman and her team will benefit the most from Healer class, although she could be equipped with Skirmisher class as well since she retaliates a lot. Scientist Supreme works best with A.I.M. Her second skill infuses all allies with protective barrier equal to 10% of Rescues Health and applies Regeneration (2 Regeneration in Alliance War). Longshot is a simple-forward damage dealer who increases the Critical Chance of all his allies. Most importantly he is the most powerful damage dealer on the team. After that, it flips the Counter on the enemy and causes up to 250% Piercing to primary and adjacent targets placing Offense Down on each target in the process. In Marvel Strike Force, Hand Sorceress is the Hand minion who can heal and buff allies. In Marvel Strike Force, A.I.M. Shuri is a legendary Wakandan Support who manipulates Vibranium in order to heal and protect her Wakandan allies. His basic ability prolongs most common debuffs which combined with Trauma makes Symbiotes debuffing (for example) laughable. Keep in mind that her damage output is doubled against slowed targets meaning that she has a great Synergy with Quake, Karnak, Graviton, etc.. Recently she gained a super synergy with Agent Coulson and became an irreplaceable part of S.H.I.E.L.D. This ability has a 25% chance to be assisted by Yelena Belova. He may not be a top tier Hero but he will definitely be a great addition to your roster. Invisible Woman is a Bio Protector who shields her allies with an energy barrier and weakens all enemies. Beasts ultimate applies Offense Up to all Blaster, Brawler, and X-Men allies, applies Defense up on all Protector, Controller, and X-Men allies, applies Speed Up and generate Ability Energy for all Support and X-Men allies, and grants Regeneration to all Mutant allies. Just pulled taskmaster and I want to build a team around him this is what Im thinking so far but I am definitely open to suggestions! Unlike some other teams where you could replace some weaker members with META Heroes like Ultron, Phoenix, Mister Sinister, etc Black Order needs every member to be fully effective because only with all 4 members of the Black Order, Thanos can enter Empowered state. Operative with HEaler ISO-8 class, but if you want to increase her focus and make sure that she will steal every buff for Nick Fury be sure to give her Skirmisher ISO-8 class. He also has a decent block chance. To increase Negasonics Attack even further she should be equipped with Striker ISO-8 class. His first skill delivers medium damage to primary, chains to up to 1 adjacent target and applies Offense Down to TECH targets. All other characters are mediocre at best, including Shuri who sometimes has better synergy with other Top Tier heroes from your roster.
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