My goal is be to show the goodness of God to others every day. Your privacy is vital to me. Knowing our God is the promise and light of this dark world is such a comfort to me. Praying He makes His will clear soon! It is out of the goodness of God that He would send His only Son to die on the Cross in order to rescue us from death to life everlasting. God is good! This gives me complete confidence as I greet each new day that He will bring me through the storms, love me unconditionally and see me safely home! Submit And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. When I think of Gods goodness, I truly feel humbled and overwhelmed. One special way is through friends who point you back to Jesus. God really is good all the time, even when we think He is against us. Yes, God is good. Warning: Laughter ahead! God bless you Liz. In February 2015 I was scheduled for a hysterectomy. After early careers in television and radio, Liz Curtis Higgs has been ministering to audiences and readers for more than 30 years, speaking for Christian conferences in all 50 states and 15 foreign countries, and writing nearly 40 published books and Bible studies. May I pray for you right now? We need to be still and listen for His prompting and go and do likewise. God is good. Dans son best-seller Bad Girls de la srie Bible, Liz insuffle une nouvelle vie dans les contes anciens sur les plus infmes et intrigante-femmes dans l'histoire de Jzabel, Marie-Madeleine. He has blessed me far beyond my understanding, and hes also been there to help me cope with all of these blessings! That in any circumstance He will bring good things to us if we but keep our eyes on Him. He is good May the God of hope fill you Gods loving nature and his grace provides for us a window to see all the good in the world that we may not see when focusing on the bad. God is good, in the little things and in the big things. Grace. So thankful that I can trust in Gods goodness! In all of our despair of being uniquely different; painfully overweight, (beautifully designed, I should say!) Thanks for this post, and may God continue to use you to grow us! The lily came from his yard.) It continues to amaze me that this good God loves and cares for someone like me who is not good. God is good ALL the time!! Amen. His grace gives us life after this world. Thank you, Liz! Love how you show us the way through humor and creativity. By my twentieth birthday, I was spending four and five nights a week on a bar stool, Southern Comfort in my glass and longing in my eyes. More Buying Choices $2.27 (35 used & new offers) Since God is good I can find that goodness in any and every situation of my life, not just the situations I deem as good. PTL, When we are given the opportunity to serve others people see the good news of the gospel in action. They have no money to repair it right now and the temps are in the 90s. Because I know this I am trusting Him to be with me this week thru some biopsy tests and let His Grace flow down upon me! 20 The Women of Easter: Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene by Liz Curtis Higgs, as the title suggests, tells the story of Jesus' death and resurrection through the eyes of these three Marys. . My surgeon did her part, my radiologist did her part, and my oncologist did his part. In Jesus precious name, Amen. God IS good, all the time. He never ceases to provide aha moments in times of confusion and frustration. Yet grateful looking back that HE is good to us even during those trials & tribulations. Im one of those people who had to fall all the way down to the bottom of the pit, until I had nowhere else to look but up. And richly bless you, Liz, as God has blessed me through you and your sweet devotionals and books. When we closed the service singing, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, I walked out of the choir loft and down to the baptistry, ready to make my confession of faith. Wow! I am now healthier, happy and just been appointed as leader of my churchs Ladies Ministry.. To God be the glory! Thank you Liz and DaySpring for an opportunity to win your new book. I pray He allows me to see others as He does- in love. There is also an accompanying study guide that is very useful for the study. But God Is Good All The Time. Then it was cutting school for an hour; then an afternoon; then a whole day. God, goodness, grace.what beautiful and hopeful words you share! Im so glad that I met you at the Gull Lake Ladies day back in June 2015. What someone might mean for harm (like Satan wanting to harm Gods CHOSEN children), GOD means for good, so that we can bring glory and honor to His name. Her characters pop off the page, and in this latest novel, steal your heart." . The fruit of the spirit should be in our daily lives. No matter how dreary things may get, He is still God. Your privacy is vital to me. God shows his goodness especially through his creation that we get to experience every day. God is so amazing!!! Its hard enough news the first time, but to know the cancer has returned must be very difficult indeed. Sound good? So instead of judgement and shame we can rejoice in our forgiveness and comfort like we have been comforted. I lost a child in 1973. $22.51 $ 22. Thank you! ! And GOD did!!!!! I just love when simple kindness and care is so beautifully expressedand in this case it was noticed and appreciated. I am so appreciative that despite my falls, He lovingly, picks me up, comforts me, and encourages me. Thank you dear Liz!! Sound good? The goodness of God means that I can believe God that the promises in His word are real, true, and something that every believer can rely and depend on daily. Lord help me to be an instrument of your Love and Goodness! I keep reminding myself God is in control, but continue to feel frustrated and helpless (It doesnt help that I am greatly fatigued). Its wonderful to know that God is good all the time. I also pray that he knows Jesus. But as I began to listen to Gods voice telling me that His plans were good for me and He had my best interest in mind, I knew that there were reasons for the bad stuff. He began to ask me if I knew how much certain items cost. Gods goodness is everything in my life. A decade-long love affair with pot began, ironically, on the steps of the Statue of Liberty. Language: English. Gods goodness gives me peace and calm in a world turned upside down. If we could take our eyes off of self really see others it would spread Gods deeds everywhere. God is, as always, in charge. The goodness of God is beginning each day sitting with Him and then venturing out praying that in some way I can let his love and goodness shine through me. It really IS a delicious verse, Susan, packed with words that speak to our right-now needs: hope, joy, peace, and more hope! ), but from heart knowledge (I am trusting you, Lord). The goodness of God means to me that no matter what God is good and will work out any situation. The enemy wants me to feel guilty, ashamed, a lost cause. I know God answers our prayers according to His will and in His time and He is very good, ALL the time. God is so good he has been blessing my life left and right here lately. Has he said and will He not do it? This verse was my verse for the year a couple of years ago and I needed so much a refresher in it. God is good. We can take the road of pity for ourselves or the one that says things could be worse. Life is good, just one day at a time! when God gives me an opportunity to serve someone I feel blessed. 03 Oct 2017. I try to let let Gods goodness flow from me all the time especially with my three and six year old. May the God of hope fill you Romans 15:13. How comforting to have a Father who is intrinsically good! I had plans to move to San Marcos, Texas the end of August. Reading these comments revealing the LOVE we have for our Father and showering praise and thanksgiving on our creator lifts the heart and spirit and in unison we sing..and we are lifted high by a host of voices.praising. THANKS, Jane! Submit No matter how small or how large I can trust in him to provide everything. Also, in our church, we have a saying in the Sunday school program: God is good all the time and all the time God is good! There she was to remind me and encourage me today!!! In the movie Gods Not Dead one of the characters always says, God is good all the time and a 2nd character responds with, All the time, God is good. Love it! Thanks for being my shining star in a dark world. God is Good all the things me, All the time God is Good. Thanks for the reminder! His faithfulness in honoring his word. And then He shows His faithfulness in ways I dont expect. Liz Curtis Higgs is the author of 37 books, with 4.6 million copies in print. I can't look at any of this without thinking of our sweet Lord Jesus, the creator of all things. Thank you God. Gods goodness brings to mind Gods grace. What an amazing statement. To me, God being good means everything is made by Him and under the knowledge of Him who works everything according to His planHes in control and no one else can do it better! Sometimes just saying those words aloud reminds me that no matter what is going on in my little world, the Creator of that world is constant and nothing will happen to me today that He cant handle. However, I have found that God uses those downs to shine His goodness, His hope, His love, His salvation, His peace, and His promises. Gods goodness to me means comfort and peace. This is exactly what I needed to hear today God always knows! Liz, I have really enjoyed your books and can not hardly wait to get this one. God bless! God is good; all the time God is good was his favorite response to every life event! He uses us. Thank you for such a great note of encouragement today. I serve an awesome, loving, kind gracious God. God has shown me his goodness in that I can take refuge, gain strength, and begin to see beauty in where I am. Like Paul, I am learning that my circumstances can be pretty messy. He blesses me everyday in every waythank you Lord. May God always work through us to show His goodness to others. So how do I trust God in all this? I really needed this today. Touch base with me via my website contact page in a few days, and Ill see what I have left in stock. Enfolded in the arms of One who believes in you, supports you, treasures you, and loves you. I put the future in His hands. Your words of wisdom brought to mind a wonderful chorus, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days, all the days of my life;.what a promise! Praise Him!!! Thank you! Paperback. As we look at Gods demand for justice and our role in this world of injustice, I need to remind people that God is a God of goodness. But God . He has a plan for her and He will be faithful to complete them. What a joy it is to do something good for someone and to give God the glory. . His promises say that he desires to give us a good plan and that he means everything for good (even bad stuff). Published by WaterBrook Press, Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinnersof whom I am the worst. He abounds in steadfast love. God is so good! blessed!" -Liz Curtis Higgs, best-selling author of Bad Girls of the Bible Prepare to crawl into God's lap and experience His highest blessings as your own. Gods goodness reveals himself to me in a firmness, a resolve that isnt within my power. Praise God for his goodness of taking this sinner and filling her full of his goodness to share with others. In 2 Peter & Jude, both letters address the need to combat false teaching and to strengthen believers in the truth. I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. Gods goodness to me is the grace He gives even when I dont deserve it. Gods goodness = he actually just loves us and wants to love us more to be able to show his love through us to save the lost souls so none should perish . I'm like, I just have the one story, you know. But what Liz cares about most are the women seated in front of her, first row to last. Separated from His Father, He was forsaken. A helpful hand in a time of need. Hallelujah!!!!! By the hands and feet of every Sister-in Him, connected to me today, has brought me Life in an extraordinary way. God is always good. His goodness to us also encourages us to share our salvation with others so they too will know His goodness. Especially this week as we put my mother-in-law in a nursing home. God IS good. 31 Proverbs to Light Your Pathoffers the wisdom you need for the road ahead. DAVIS BUNN, AUTHOR OF WINNER TAKE ALL When we do good deeds, theyre really God deeds. Yesterday was rough, so it was nice to start today with a great reminder of Gods goodness! I know beyond a doubt that Hell come through this with me just as Hes done in the past. No thing. I am amazed when things are bleak and God has already started changing our attitude or our plans. Sad day, but we have done what we could. His Son needed to be Good, Pure, Perfect to be sacrificed, so my sins, so scarlet they are, can be turned white as snow. Gods blessings coming your way, for sure. @LizCurtisHiggs I so dont deserve Gods presence in my life but he graciously guides and directs me and fills my life with joy beyond anything this world has to offer. God is always good, He loves and sustains me always ? Yes Liz, God is Good All the Time. We might not seem it that way at the time but God knows exactly what we are to do in our lives. For a period of time I chose pity as my companion. Those words carried me through the spring when my son received a traumatic brain injury and was in ICU for three weeks. Those are some of the ways I see His goodness. Gods goodness is seen all around us in his creation. Because of His Goodness, He shelters and protects us. From floating in the Dead Sea to riding a cable car up to Masada to an overwhelming evening of baptisms in the Jordan River to climbing the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, Liz and her Christian sisters shared a life-changing, never-to-be-forgotten experience. My brother and I counter offered and they countered. God is good and I am so thankful that he is mine and I am his! I desperately want to change jobs and this will be a step up for me financially since my current job is only part time. God is good. 1 Timothy 1:15-16. So excited about your new book and I pray that He continue to bless you richly. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. I loved when you said our good deeds are really Gods deeds. Thanks Liz for helping me see this! He is always there in the dark times as well as the good times, offering me a hand to hold on to. It is so many things friends that pick you up when your down, the living word of God, the Holy Spirts guidance ,the goodness of God who gives me strength to work in my garden and he gives the sun and the rain to make it grow to a wonderful harvest. Thank you, Lord! GOD is so good. I have trusted and have seen Gods goodness, faithfulness and love extended to me in a multitude of ways. Shouting it from the roof tops GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!! in me and it is an absolute JOY to serve Him by serving others. This was so encouraging Liz thank you! Gods goodness is His everlasting love and grace to me. All the time God IS good. Gods goodness to us, His children, is what helps us get out of bed every morning, face this fallen world and be a light to our family and relatives. God Sees Her. Praying for your sister tonight, Brenda, and for you. After a big move and a new job, I have been wondering why I am here. Liz Curtis Higgs. Every morning. So glad to read your reminder of the goodness and care we receive because we are His daughters! When I started to lose my vision and didnthe know how great the loss would be, Gods goodness helped me to have the faith it would be okay even if I lost it all. Her messages are biblical, encouraging, down-to-earth, and profoundly funny, helpingboth sisters and seekers embrace the truth of Gods amazing, unchanging grace. (Hope I win!!) He passed away almost 8 years ago but I can still hear him saying it! I also love that book Liz wrote and that serving tray! When we are doing good deeds we are taking our eyes off of ourselves and we are being the hands and feet of Jesus. God is good all the time. of the how I must treat others. In another recent devotional, 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart, Liz explores 31 favorite verses chosen by more than a thousand women. This summer has been very rainy, and the rain had caused the cancellation of several of her plans, which prompted her to get frustrated. I cancelled the surgery. I injured my left arm and could barely move it, my precious 16 year old fur babies passed away six weeks of each other, I went through a total hysterectomy because of possible cancer cells ( praise God it wasnt cancer!) Like the verse Romans 15:13 that you used in this devotional! Thank you! Thank you to Dayspring for the opportunity to win the drawing. Thank u for being one of his willing vessels to provide those reminders! God cant be bad, Hes perfect and I dont have to be, all I have to do is rest in His promises and believe His truths, He does the rest! He is in control of our world and everything that happens. We dont deserve His goodness or His grace. Blessings! Gods goodness is priceless & our model to do good to likewise. Excerpted from Lizs devotional book, Rise and Shine What an uplifting message today. Last week, she decided to go berry picking and easily picked more than enough berries to bake several pies. Just as I would never do anything evil to my children, God would never do evil toward His children either. While I may not be able to see the good in the current situation, I know that Gods goodness will eventually shine through. I was waiting to board a plane for home, when a conversation caught my ear. Liz Curtis Higg s is an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, Bible teacher and radio personality, has inspired audiences worldwide. As I get ready to lead the service on Sunday, I needed to be reminded of Gods goodness. Do we believe it? You hold them in your loving embrace, Lord, and You will not let go. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Liz Curtis Higgs books online. Bible teacher, grateful for God's truth. Lizzie, you know how much I admire you and your ministry and todays blog? May God richly bless all those who read your blog. In the stillness of His presence we can feel His Grace and goodness- all the time! To me it means that He always wants what is best for me even when I dont know what that is or even when I dont see His hand in it till later. I can see Him in their faithful comments, and love for me. God is good without fully appreciating the magnitude of their meaning. There is nothing so good as Gods love for us. It means that because of that I can relate,sympathize and encourage others who have and or going through similar circumstances. Gods goodness means I have life abundantly! I really needed these thoughts today! He loves me even when I dont love me. No matter how we feel, what is going on around us that may be depressing, we are loved all the time! When I drop away, he was sitting on the sidewalk eating what I had bought. Bev, please forgive my delayed response to your heartfelt request! Him speaking that to my heart that day helped me when I let my daughter fly for the first time by herself two years later. God is good all of the time, thank you Jesus for guiding me each and every day. I get choked up every time we sing You Are Good by Kari Jobe. I love that expression that is sometimes shared at a church service, but it is also a reminder in a fallen world of the consistent goodness of a loving Heavenly Father. Books by Liz Curtis Higgs. What a beautiful thing to remember God is good! Liz Curtis Higgs "Francine Rivers writes from her heart to touch the hearts of her readers. Finally I worked up the courage to tell YOU. I need to say this to myself every day. It means even embarrassing and sad things can be changed and used to His glory. A week later God said to me You are Healed. And yet, we know that Bev is not alone and neither is her sweet daughter. Wow I would love BOTH of these! He is good because He is Goodness. Aadir a la cesta. The colorful and beautiful flowers, the glistening waves on the ocean, sunrise and sunset, all his creatures big and small, and especially in a baby's smile. Pure JOY! Looking forward to reading your new book! Liz Curtis Higgs 2014. I am blessed by Liz and her devotions and by the comments of other precious in His sight! Sometimes the answer is no. I have been blessed to see Liz at a couple of events. please download it to U-tube. He still remains. He never fails and we can always feel his loving arms around us. His testimony till the very end . Was such a new believer, I wasn't entirely sure what a testimony was. As I studied my SS lesson from Rev 4; I was reminded again, how good God is and that no matter what I am faced with, He is in control if I trust Him completely. Thank you for this beautiful post! I thoroughly enjoy the use of the different translations as you write. Your sound like an amazing person. We had to order more prints and are still sending out the last of our pre-order requests. Through the darkest of nights God holds us in his armsuntil the light of day. God is good? Beautiful in every way. Oh dear. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. it must have been a blessing to witness this exchange. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
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