It is purposively ambiguous because of the AR, that Buffy was still referencing in Touched. Sadly, at the end of the series, Buffy did not end up with Angel, or anyone at all. I understand Joss Whedon leaving it ambiguous for us to decide. If you haven't watched through the entirety of both "Buffy" and "Angel," there will most likely be a lot of spoilers. Riley accepted this explanation, glad to know she was still single. Ultimately, Faith won the battle when she pulled out a magical artifact for a "body swap" and knocked out Buffy in her own body, allowing her to be taken away.[101]. When Joyce's health was beginning to deteriorate, Buffy was constantly at her side and worried for her very much, relieved when she seemed to becoming better. [97], While he showed awe of her skills and strength when she toldRiley who she was, Buffy was distrusting and upset that he had keptsecrets fromher. [63] The next morning, Buffy was disgusted with herself, and coldly told Spike that he had simply been convenient and that their encounter had been a mistake. When Buffy confessed to Xander, he doubted the strength of her feelings, noting that she went through a lot of romantic possibilities including experimentation with Satsu before settling on her best friend. I think they just held each other and talked. [182] Eventually, when forced to lose their Slayer powers, Buffy and Faith finally developed a still somewhat strained friendship. His accusations made angered her, and she left. When Riley had described asbeing attracted to immortals like Dracula and Angel, Buffy became slightly offended and insisted that she was stillhis girlfriend. It was also the first time she had ever woken up with someone right next to her. Willow was also very protective of Buffy when she realized Riley carried an interest in her, giving him advice but also warning him if he emotionally hurt her, "she would beat him to death with a shovel. In S7e22 Chosen, spike is in the basement holding the medallion, when suddenly buffy comes down the stairs, he stands up, they look at each other.and the scene fades!!! At the time, he'd been assisting the Slayer and her super soldier boyfriend Riley with slaying in the cemetery. He surprised Buffy at her prom despite having broken up. Years later, when the sisters were living in San Francisco, Hank was attempted to reconnect through monthly reunions. In series 5 Buffy and another vampire called Spike fall in love. "[153]Buffy continued to accidentally keep Giles out of the loop of some things in her life, prompting him to feel continually left out. Read at your own risk! They understood what being a Slayer felt like, but disagreed on their role in society: Faith associated being the Slayer as freedom and power to do what she wanted, while Buffy merely saw it as a job she never truly wanted. [5], After Buffy moved back in with Xander and Dawn, they appear to rekindle some of their former closeness. 'Stranger Things,' 'Star Wars,' 'Game of Thrones' and more introduced viewers to some polarizing fictional couples all the details In the supernatural drama series, which ran from 1997 to 2003, Buffy dated Angel in the first three seasons before she formed a relationship with Spike later on. Buffy declared that they together was something she didn't want to lose without a fight, and she wanted to give it a try. [35], Following immediately after her parent's divorce, Buffy often had father/daughter weekends with Hank, though over time this occurrence became less until it vanished completely. Spike, though, pointed one problem: he was in love with her. He said: "Buffy and Angel were finally going to sleep together and Angel was going to go evil. They had sex that night and since then have resumed their relationship. Little about this season makes sense. [95], Buffy continued to spent time with him and even asked him if he would like to be a their own Thanksgiving, only for Rileyexplain he was traveling back to Iowatobe with his family. "[137] A few months later, she returned to San Francisco with her magic and thescythe intact. Buffy was visibly hurt by their encounter, leading to her friends and sister finally learning about her relationship with Spike. ", "'Buffy' at 20: Joss Whedon Talks TV Today, Reboot Fatigue and the Trouble With Binging. "[180] However, they soon developed a close, fatherly bond with Buffy. After threatening her mother, Buffy and Faith once again fought. From DeanAnddDangersz She gave her advice on dating and saved her life from vampires, which was when they started to bond. Spike makes a powerful choice at the end of Season 6 to leave Sunnydale and travel to Africa, where he hopes to begivenhis soul, much like Angel was. The two often commented on the mature aspect of their friendship, but their close friends noticed the forceful nature of these statements. [48], Two years later, they were reunited and cooperated during the Reckoning; Angel did his best not to look smug that Buffy and Spike had broken up as he had predicted,[49] while Buffy was apparently jealous that Angel was then in a relationship with Illyria. [50] After defeating Harth Fray, Buffy comforted Angel for Illyria's sacrifice and assured him he could stay in San Francisco for a while. She had severaldaydreamsshowing her mother somehow survivingand happy. [98], Buffy established Riley as her boyfriend. Angel, however, could not be killed as a result of the powers granted to him by Twilight. Angel then told Buffy about his decision and that he loved her, but they could not be together if she was continually risking her life to protect him andgot herself killed doing so. Its filmed like that for a reason. However, once they got inside the Deeper Well, Willow discovered that within it contains a power that will not only restore magic to Dawn, but also to the whole world. Through the advice of Jonathan Levinson, Buffy and Riley shared a dance together and made peace with each other. He's seen her at her best and her worst, and he truly believes she's "one hell of a woman." I don't think he would make the same mistake of believing that being physical equals love. When Dawn ran out on her own at night, Buffy immediately went to find her and expressed regret that she hadn't told her sister the truth from the beginning, partly because of Spike. Angel said that he wasn't getting any older, then left town again. We already know they have sexual chemistry. Initially, Buffy remained either obliviousor in denial of his newfound feelings, constantly expressing hostility towards him and repeatedly injured him. efra.] Convinced by the strength of her pain, Riley agreed to havethe Initiative fix him. Later, the two fought the Master[76] and Twilight together, and were able to overcome both, although Buffy's Watcher, Giles, was killed by a Twilight-possessed Angel in the battle to destroy the Seed of Wonder. They had already done the holding each other emotional support in Touched. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp WhatsApp. Nevertheless, choosing to sleep with Spike was pivotal for Buffys character, who up until that point had only been with partners she genuinely cared about and was positioned as the moral arbiter of the show. [79], When Buffy believed herself pregnant after a night she didn't remember, she brieflyconsidered asking Spike to run away with her so they could raise the baby together. As their fight moves through a derelict building on the verge of collapse, she surprises him by trading punches for kisses. She described him as "dark, gorgeous in an annoying sort of way. Buffy's main romantic relationships were with Angel and Spike. She was outraged at how they viewed her as a thing and tried to be there for Dawn when she wondered if she was a destroyer of the universe. [59], After Buffy was resurrected, Spike expressed worry for her wounded hands, and consoled her for having to dig her way out of her own grave by admitting that he once had to do the same thing. At the time, he'd been assisting the Slayer and her super soldier boyfriend Riley with slaying in the cemetery. "[101], Upon the realization that Riley had unknowingly slept with Faith duringtheir "body swap," Buffy was very disturbed and hurt, refreshing her grudge against Faith entirely. [48] This interpretation was once again stated by Harmony, when, trying to destabilize to couple, she told Spike he worshiped Buffy and "built her up as some impossible ideal of womanhood and virtue and love. One couple that did end up together was Xander (Nicholas Brendon) and Dawn (Michelle Trachtenberg) and are raising their daughter Joyce. In. [178], A young Buffy was upset that she had a sibling when Dawn was born, feeling like her parents would forget about her. Joss lacks guts. Buffy was very relieved and happy over this. She was confused, but wasfar too miserable and overwhelmed to question his behavior. She had to choose him as her champion. [58][129] When dealing with the possibility of killing Dawn to save the world, Buffy asserted her grief andthat she just wished her mother was still alive. Buffy soon realized this, and started to worry that she was being unfair to Riley by being so caught up in her Slayer side. Summary: Buffy Summers and Spike Pratt have been best friends since they were stealing each other's juice boxes in preschool. Sex can be intimate and comforting, but with their unhealthy history I like to think that they didnt need sex in that moment to feel connected and in support of each other. With the sexualtension building in several previous episodes, it finally erupts in the middle of Season 6, when two unstoppable forces collide to quite literally bring down the house. Willow accused Buffy of seeing them as too useless to help them fight, as well as being uneasy of her relationship with Tara. Buffy was hurt and shocked at his lack of trust in her, quickly correcting him. Dawn's belief that Buffy was avoiding her disappeared and the two reached an understanding through their mutual grief, sobbing while comforting each other. Sarah Michelle Gellar: Super Bowl 2019 sees star return to horror. [143] Also, 1775 Buffy found Xander more attractive than Angel. She told him that it was only meant to be worn by a Champion of the people before giving it to him. Overwhelmed, she had initially wanted her to stop slaying but became more used to it over time. Buffy and Angel sneaked into Spike's lair to check the current status on the Judge, who quickly spotted them. Perhaps there would be a few beats of horizontal kissing while a cutesy pop ballad warbled away. I don't think they had sex. [52], Buffy's antagonism softened somewhattoa point, requesting he keep her mother and Dawn safe at his cryptsince Glorificus was close and he was the strongest person around who could protect them,but warned him ifthey died, she would kill him in a instant; Spike wassurprised, but agreed. Wow. BRING BUFFY BACK. [80] While aboard his ship, Buffydiscussedthis withhim andpointed out toSpike that she believed they didn't have a future together. During the shows seven-season run, fans hoped for Buffy and Angel (David Boreanaz) to finally get together. It was tender and passionate, which is what ultimately pushed Buffy to finally say she loved him - among other reasons. When the two kissed for the first time, Buffy was shocked and disgusted to discover that he was, in fact, a vampire. Buffy, unable to look at him, left Angel in the care of Faith in London. She visibly acknowledged this, but did not comment. That's me as a vampire? [182] However, Giles was secretly researching about the Twilight prophecy, and the Watcher knew Buffy's certain future involvement in its creation. READ MOREBuffy the Vampire Slayer: How many seasons of Buffy are there? While talking with Angel, she admitted that her mother was always the strongest one and that she didn't know what to do now that she was gone. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Faith tried to follow Buffy's lead, and appeared hesitant to take over leadership after the mutiny against Buffy. Willow also apologized for keeping her relationship with Tara a secret to Buffy and everyone else, making peace with each other. Shocked and disgusted with himself, Spike fled Sunnydale for Africa, where he fought to regain his soul, for without it, he could be neither a man nor a monster. Successfully hurting him, Angel was launched a tirade against Buffy, reminding her that, while it was great she had moved on, he himself could not and had no one to share his pain, before telling Buffy that she didn't know him anymore and that she had no right to just show up with her "great new life" and tell him how to do things before harshly demanding that she go back to Sunnydale immediately. Spike,. Season 7 ofBuffy the Vampire Slayerwas light on the romantic intimacy between Buffy and Spike, but what it lacked in steamy kisses and sexual tension it made up for in deeper understanding between the characters. I think they slept together. Over the years they develop a extremely close, tight bond and have risked their lives for each other on many occasions. [57]Buffy accepted Spike back intothe fold and assigned him as the protector of Dawn despite Xander and Giles' protests since he was the only onebeside her strong enough todo so. Ill admit it: I didnt watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer until I was in my twenties. Buffy, however, held hope that Faith can be saved and tried to help her, only for Faith rejected her help and chose to further ignore her escalating issues. At first, she didn't show much interest in him instead focusing on Parker while Riley himself saw her as strange. Afterwards, Buffy would again lament her disappointment that Riley was not "boring" or "normal" like she hadwanted him to be, but she nonetheless decided to tryand make things work since she genuinely cared forand had strongfeelings for him. Buffy was angry with his line of thinking, harshly telling him that once again she would have to save the world because of him. Every item on this page was chosen by an ELLE editor. [88], When Buffy was faced with a critical crisis to save the world, she took her anger and frustration on her friends, in special on his boyfriend Spike. But since Joss himself left it up to me to decide, I say yes! [44], When Dawn began to fade away, Buffy became desperate to save her sister, promptly journeying to the Deeper Well to restore magic in the world and allow her existence. He made sure she understood that he didn't blame her, but that he needed to spend time away from her. Ironically, in this future, Buffy was the one to finally end Willow's life. [62] Buffy had at first kept it as secret to everyone except Spike, as she didn't want to burden them with guilt. Spike was disbelieving of this,but quickly overcame itwhen Buffy presented him with the amulet Angel had left her with. Theyhad gone through so much in the preceding seasons, and their relationship had changed to an extent that fans believed they might have had a future together when Spike decides to sacrifice himself to save his true love. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After Riley explained his jealousy was because he was so in love with her, Buffy said "I know the feeling." The writing of these particular episodes explored the many facets of their relationship development, and were important because of how the unique interactions between Buffy and Spike brought out distinct sides of their characters. About how we make each other better, not some selfish neuroses our mom and dad hammered into us. Faith then became worse over time working for the Mayor, even poisoning Angel. His soul was effulgent. She enforced her point by sayingshe couldnever trust him enough to feel that way. When she went back to her houseand realized his anger over Angel,Buffy became irritated, as she had grown visibly sick of Angel and Spike's jealousy over herbecause of the love they both shared for her. He told them that no matter what, they could never be friends, and that they would continue to love each other until it killed them both. [27], Following Buffy's resurrection, Angel and Buffy met again,[28] an event she later described it as "intense. From there, Buffy conducted her relationship with Spikewhich was mostly sexual, at firstin secret. Spike comforted her and agreed. In parallel, Vicki accused Buffy of being "into the tortured bad boy," who wanted what she didn't have and get bored with what she can, pretending to be shocked when Spike starts acting like what he is, saying he turned evil, stabbing him, and sending him to hell, in clear comparison with Angel. They've been there for each other's ups and downs. Buffy was initially disgusted that Giles had betrayed her trust, but then moved when he had stood up to the Watchers Council about it. Surge together with stated you to Buffy's type in people was unsafe vampires of the underworld even though she performed including Riley, he had been not enough in order to satisfy this lady. James Marsters now: Where is Buffy actor James Marsters now? At this point,she developed genuine feelings of care and affection for him despite his status as a soulless vampire. [73]Meanwhile, Buffy defended Spike against Angel and insisted he could do good and was a different man from before,showing great trust in him. "[73] Despite Buffy's great love for her sister, Buffy later admitted that if she had to sacrifice Dawn to save the world, she would this time, as her duty as the Slayer was far more important than her personal feelings. The two of them had sex for the first time, and the house collapsed around them, foreshadowing the initial destructive nature of their relationship. She had begun to believe that his love for her was in fact real and this burdened her with all-encompassing guilt and sympathy for Spike, knowing full-well that she was using him because she did not return his love. But at the same time, they understood each other in a way that no other character ever quite could. Buffy was hostile towards her and immediately demanded to know whoshe was, much to Dawn's hurt and anger. After Dawn releases a demon who makes everyone unable to stop dancing and singing, Spike reveals to Buffy howtormented heis being in love with her, and she reveals how painful it is to have been pulled from heaven. [7] Although, Buffy herself never mentioned nor described her own orientation, not more than answering to her being gay with "not so you'd notice. "[103] During her time as Faith, one last battle between the two gave Buffy an insight on Faith's inner turmoil as she viciously struck her own body and insulted it. Ultimately, Riley had alreadydeparted onthe helicopter, leaving Buffy behind in Sunnydale. Additionally, Faith was jealous of the life Buffy led, surrounded by friends and family, a stability she never had the chance to experience. No always either meant yes, or could easily, wantonly, be turned into one. When the love spell was broken, she was grateful that Xander did not take advantage of the situation. She gave an emotional speech to him, unable to believe that he found her shallow enough to onlydate a man with super powers. Didn't Joss himself say it was ambiguous? [104]They also disagreed over the status of demons as he disapproved of Willow's relationship with a werewolf, Oz. She battled fiercely against the Knights of Byzantium who wanted to kill Dawn,killingten of themand threatening to kill another despite her moral code. Twenty years after the "Smashed" episode, we look back at the cultural legacy Buffy and Spike's unbelievable night together. Into the invited regarding Spike's solution, Buffy clasped hand which have him. Instead, Buffy and Faith (Eliza Dushku) decided to live normal lives and joined the San Francisco Police Academy. Personaly, I've always thought that Buffy and Spike spent their last night together, the night that, for all they knew might be either one or both of their last night alive, possibly the last night of the world's existance as they knew it, playing checkers. I see good reasons on both sides for what happened here. There was something so beautiful to me about the Buffy and Angel story. WhenRiley's sickness was taken care of intheInitiative, Buffy wanted to be with him since she felt this was a time he really needed her. [78] She thanked Spike for being there for her when she needed him. In another, a user plays the scene to answer the question: Show me a scene that you found attractive that makes you realize you have deep rooted issues. The replies tell you she isnt alone. However, Xander talked to Buffy and reminded her of how much Riley loved her,revealing to Buffy shehad beentreating him the entire time as just convenient. [105]After falling catatonic, Buffy admitted to Willow in her mind that she blamed herself for Dawn's capture because some part of her had wanted it to happen, unable to bear all the pressureof protecting her against an invulnerable Glorificus any longer. [78] When questioned by the demon Eldre Koh about Spike's connection with the Slayer, Spike revealed that Buffy needed someone "normal," rather than a vampire like him. [24]Despite Riley's distrust and jealousy of Angel, Buffy had allowed Angel to explain himself and accepted his apology for his treatment of her. However when Buffy was attempting to stop Acathla, her mother found out about Buffy's slaying. They hugged and regained their closeness, only for Riley to distance himself from her after hearing the devastating death of his friend and colleague Forrest Gates. ", "Buffy The Vampire Slayers Nicholas Brendon thinks Xander was underrated. Angel becomes happy he becomes Angelus a powerful, evil Buffy was touchedby this, but once again did not tell him she loved him back. Despite her anger, Buffy protected Faith when the Special Ops forces had tried to take her in and showed no overt desire to kill her. Spike was one of the few people who remained supportive of Buffy, which caused her to burst into tears and run away. As a Buffy-less teenager, this was what I had to work with. [110]After sleeping with Riley one last time, Buffy was taken to a vampire nest with Spike and was horrified to realize Riley had been allowing vampire prostitutes suck on his blood for the rush. Buffy denied her claim of being judgmental, and insisted that none of them would be able to helpher against Adam without getting killed. Their story wasn't all about sexual tension you could cut with a battleaxe; the intimacy between their characters only deepened as they went through and overcame each new crisis. It was revealed that Buffy had some kind of mentallink with her sister, having sensed Dawn was in danger from a vampire despite not being with her. [175] Whileher mother's health began to get worse, Buffy was becomingly increasingly more stressed and overwhelmed with the possibility ofJoyce dying. BtVS fic writer since '01. When he returns to Sunnydale in Season 7, the process has left him weak and damaged, both mentally and physically, to the point where he feeds on rats under Sunnydale High where Buffy has taken a job as a counselor. [138] When they eventually started living together again, their relationship became closer than ever, leaving their past disputes and distrusts, respecting and defending each other's decisions, and expressing her love more openly. It begins one of many character arcs for Spike involving regaining his crush's trust and proving that he loves her in a meaningful way. Meanwhile, Spike has enlisted Warren's help in making him a "Buffybot," a perfect android replica of the Slayer, whom he's fallen in love with. Please, if she did, the First would have never let her hear the end of it. [41] Angel murdered Buffy's Watcher, Giles, before her, and, in her grief, Buffy smashed the Seed and destroyed Twilight's influence for good. Joyce was quite distressed at her daughter keeping secrets and often worried about her rebellious nature, initially believing Buffy was a delinquent. [31], Buffy discouraged Angel's intention to stay to fight with her againstthe First. [70] She agreed to forgive him for his past actions, and welcomed him back into her circle of close friends. [185] Then living in San Francisco, when Buffy returned distraught from her reunion with her father, Giles defended her, declaring she was an exceptional woman more than capable of forging her own path, and she didn't need Hank, himself, or anyone else; so they shared an emotional hug. How do we know that? [55] Later, when April, in response to Spike flirting with her in an attempt to make Buffy jealous, threw him out a window at the Bronze, Buffy took open pleasure in the sight and freely admitted to Giles that she wouldn't give up the memory of it for anything. [9], Buffy and Angel met when she was walking in a dark alley. I always liked to think of it as being up to them-Buffy and Spike. Having nearly killedGiles in the form of a Fyarl demon (believing him to bethe demon that killed him), Buffy immediately realized it was him when she had stabbed Giles. As Buffy and Willow planned to return, due to fear of ulterior motives for draining the magic of others, Faith appeared, ready and willing to help Buffy. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One Press J to jump to the feed. They nearly kiss each other only for Buffy to stop it, as it just refreshed more pain by the time they left each other again. "[95], However, Buffy and Willow grew distant from each other, as Buffy was so focused on her new relationship with Riley that she grew apart from her friends. Buffy, recently resurrected by her friends after sacrificing herself to save the world in the previous seasons finale and depressed about it, is sufficiently freaked out, fearing hes right when he states that she came back wrong and thats why he can hurt her now. fere, ONhb. Angel was turned human afterwards by the Mohra demon's blood and kissed Buffy in the sunlight. When Spike asked what it meant, Buffy replied questionably"I don't know? Riley visited her in her dorm and the two uncomfortably conclude they had to talk. In Spike's dream, Buffy seeks Spike in his crypt with the intent to slay him. The TV series premiered on March 10, 1997, and sadly, came to an end on May 20, 2003. [137], Willow and Buffy began to slightly rekindle their strained relationship, only for Willow to leave immediately to find a way to return magic. He apologized for this, but she expressed her immense gratitude for his presence and how it gave her some energy to get through the night. Is it possible you rating a payday loan which have ssi . [58]In her mind, Buffy confessed to Willow that though she loved her sister, she had one moment of weakness and preferred Dawn dying after losing to Glory rather than continuing protecting her against someone so powerful. Buffy Summers had various relationships over the years. [26], After the end of the relationship, Buffy half-heartedly considered being a nun. While Spike dealt with the inner demons associated with being ensouled, Buffy offered support and told him repeatedly that she believed him and trusted him. Though she tried to move on, she continued to have dreams about Angel. Ok, you know it, it just doesn't feel like home without a thread like this. Pushing aside her reservations, Buffy kissed Riley to show she was willing to give it a shot. However, she had wanted her in jail from the beginning, she just never thought Faith would go willingly.[24]. Posing as the Buffybot, the real Buffy bestows a kiss (and her trust) on her knight errant. "[5], There's also something to be said in regards to Buffy and Faith, as the two would often make reference to a relationship between them. The actor, who joined the show during its second season - which ran from 1997 to 1998 - and remained a part of it until its final episode in 2003, appeared on Michael Rosenbaum's Inside of You. However if they sleep together it brings happiness to Angel, if [105]Later, Xander had also gave advice concerning her relationship falling apart with Riley, but it was too late at that point. [28]Over time though, Giles worried that he was holding her back from embracing her adult duties and this sadly prompted him to leave for England,[62] being one of the factors that caused an angry, vulnerable, and alone Buffy to embark on a highly destructive sexual relationship with Spike. She becomes so irritated by Buffy and Spike's behavior that she accidentally spits out, "Then why don't you marry him! You are using an out of date browser. Giles though returned and helped her with Dark Willow before leaving again. Buffy hoped that she would come to regret working for the Mayor, but Faith was more focused on getting immediate revenge, especially after discovering a gift from the Mayor due to his death. Following prevent of one's matchmaking, Buffy half of-heartedly believed are an excellent nun As the woman mother's fitness suffered more about, Buffy unconsciously distanced herself off Riley, hardly telling your the thing that was happening or just how Joyce try impression; Spike understood she try that have a pet check always ahead of the guy performed. Willow: He deserves a torturous and slow death by spider bites. The real BuffydespisesSpike for both creating the repugnant Buffybot andpotentially revealing Dawn's location, but ends it being in his debt because despite being tortured,Spikenever revealed the whereabouts of the Key, keeping Dawn out of harm's way. Buffy does fall in love with a vampire, his name is Angel. Despite the series ending back in 2003, that has not stopped fans from sharing their opinions online abut who Buffy should have ended up with. Her intense hatred of himlessened intomild dislike, not hesitating to point out her revulsion of him creating the Buffybot to sleep with but gratefully promised him she would never forget what he did for her and Dawn.
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