The wing may be assigned to an air region and given missions immediately, but it will not carry out the missions until the planes arrive. Part of a dual series on strategic bombers, we are trying to go all in on Strats in Hearts of Iron 4, playing as the United Kingdom. Only start building tanks when you have achieved full air superiority! Press J to jump to the feed. Close air support mission [ edit | edit source] Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Especially important in Multiplayer where front lines have many units in them. Questions, Paradox At the same time I will be talking a bit about the historical development of the strategic bomber concept.The other part of the series is a Let's Play of \"War in the West\", where we explore target selection and the findings of the Untied States Strategic Bombing Survey. Mission efficiency of an air wing is shown in the air base view window, that is shown if you click the airfield in which the air wing is stationed. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Available for: Naval Bomber, CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Ai is so shit you dont need any strat. Naval strike. In HOI3 you could decide whether to target factories, air bases, infrastructure, ports, etc. Through Corpo di Truppe Volontarie focus. in the air region without regard to the number of air wings present. 50% more aircraft are involved in a port strike if you have the first "Base Strike" naval doctrine). Air superiority can also affect other air missions such as: Air combat has a chance of generating aces. Additionally, the divisional AA (again using the divisions' average) has a 7%[10] chance to shoot down a portion of the attacking planes. When you have, it becomes an unending nightmare where you haven't enough military factories left to build enough planes to stop the bombing, or enough civilian factories left to repair them. As mines are laid, some mines will graphically become visible on the map. Only heavy fighters have enough range to escort strategic bombers deep into enemy territory, but they can be beaten by light fighters. And with the new air designer, designing a tactical bomber with medium bomb bays for strategic bombing takes away nearly all of the ground-attack capability of said tactical bomber. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. A region's air superiority is determined by comparing your air power (plus allies) to the enemy's air power. on Paradox technology, Legal Read the rules though as they are often banned. A logistics strike mission is an air attack against enemy trucks, trains and railways. Close Air Support planes are designed to provide support in land combat. The stats of a unit are displayed when editing a unit in the template designer, and the current stats of a division in the field can be inspected by clicking on their icon. If no units have a supply deficit in the region, the mission doesn't do anything, but the planes will still consume fuel and possibly get shot down. For example, with 60% air superiority the enemy will suffer a 7% penalty to defense and breakthrough. This amount is affected by mission efficiency, so lacking air superiority or range to reach the whole area will result in less supply getting through, while using More Ground Crews will slightly increase the amount. Since many of the conditions during play are dynamic, wings may fly different missions at different types, producing multiple types of results. See, PDXCON Strategic bombers can be fought in the air by fighters. the night penalty isn't -50%, as you guessed, but -90%. The maximum penalty without doctrine is 35% at 100% air superiority. Use the attrition graph to determine how much reliability your variant equipment needs. The maximum air base level is 10[2], for a maximum of 2,000 aircraft. At 50% over capacity, the penalty reaches 100%, so it is very important to manage the available capacity. The capacity of an air base is shared between allies. AA inside divisions can reduce this penalty. That is, the battleship will lose 1.5 hit points out of its total of 150 hit points. If the total number of stationed planes exceeds the capacity, every additional percent of planes causes a 2%[3] overcrowding penalty. They're generally pretty useless. Tactical Bombers are smaller fast bombers that can help out ground troops and bomb enemy buildings. on Paradox technology, Legal If your target is beyond CAS range, then you can have 10K CAS and theyre useless. For example, in the earlier example with a maximum of 54 CAS, if 27 planes were in the battle, the attack bonus would be +12.5% (27 / 54 * 25%). CAS deals damage directly to enemy divisions in combat. At 4000 allied planes versus 500 enemy planes, adding 1000 planes to the allied side only increases allied air superiority by 1.3 percentage points. Jump to navigation Jump to . Up to -35% defense/breakthrough to enemy divisions. Everything from fighting for air superiority, protect your bombers and intercept enemy bombers. Btw the current war score from strat bombing is completely broken and overpowered. Your divisions are running out of rifles and the front lines are collapsing, but you can't build any more rifles because your surviving factories are desperately trying to get planes in the air. As Germany trying to bomb Britain into submission just doesn't really seem to do anything or have any lasting damage (which I think is due to how fast things repair in this game). 20% is from air recon (scout planes) and 10% is because of their fascist ideology. Example: The enemy side of a battle has four divisions with 1936 support anti-air battalions (15.2 air attack) and four divisions without any anti-air. Breakthrough only needs to be as high as enemy soft attack (per combat width). Professional Officer Corps, earns itself back after 350 army XP. Heavy tanks are much more expensive than Medium Tanks, and suffer from very harsh combat penalties in many terrain types. 90% -> 99%. CAS planes. Information, Frequently Asked That makes a lot of sense, that they make the enemy air force less effective then start taking out production and supply. Retweet. You will consume fuel and increase the risk of air accidents while running pilot exercises. Planes capable of naval minelaying can be assigned to naval minelaying missions only during wartime. In the . How should you build your strat bombers.I'm going to stream tonight (day of release) a strat bom. HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods . . While either the strategic air or navy map mode is selected, hovering the cursor over a region containing mines will show the number of mines that have been laid, along with the number of enemy ships damaged or sunk by the mines. @Kayzer Light, Medium, Heavy, Amphibious tanks should all use the same division template: Those designs are a trade-off between offensive power (tank) VS. Org/HP (motorized/mechanized). Aircraft carriers act as additional, floating air bases. Typically, the ratio of attacking planes to fleet frontage is 1:1. Only do this if you have plenty of fuel, when not at war. Pilot exercises. The rate of minelaying depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region. Scout Planes perform aerial scouting and intel gathering. Only NAV2 and NAV3 have a sufficiently high naval attack value to sink troops convoys. Using carrier fleets might also be very useful if the region has a coast where the player can (safely) anchor the fleet. if you don't do it/for CAS, you should just turn off night missions, since they're not worth the AA losses. Press J to jump to the feed. None of the plane's attributes have an influence on the effectiveness of anti-air. I've been comparing the two branches and the way I understand it, the night bombing branch is superior in every situation. So, besides the -20% lower detection, is there any reason to run night-only strat bombing missions? Honestly, I want those factories when I conquer the territory, and I have no interest in having to repair them when I do. you can target certain structures with your strategic bombers. By holding the "shift"-key and clicking pilot exercises, the air wing will exercise until it reaches maximum training experience and then stop automatically. Part of a dual series on strategic bombers, we are trying to go all in on Strats in Hearts of Iron 4, playing as the United Kingdom. Available for: Strategic Bomber, Jet Strategic Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Example: A battle takes place in a forest province (-10% enemy air superiority). They are meant to be used en-masse, the goal being to inflict damage faster than your opponent has the ability to repair and completely cripple them for as long as you want to bomb them for. These quicker, more powerful albeit more expensive fighters and bombers act as a late-game bridge between World War Two-era and modern military aircraft for those nations that were dedicated to aeronautics research. This damage appears to be distributed among all the targeted buildings (forts, industry, etc.) Would make it easier to build them. No point in destroying factories if they only get shot down and your troops cant push. Most air operations work on the scale of strategic regions. If you're the USA I think they can be useful, if you're anyone else I'd say just go for Tactical bombers. If the enemy air region is heavily defended with fighters, the bombers may need to be escorted. They can perform Close Air Support, Strategic Bombing, Naval Strike, and Port Strike air missions. Air superiority is provided by planes actively performing their mission and depends on their type as well. Aim for 30 ORG or higher when designing your tank divisions. Another fun fact is that this is in global hours, but day/night is calculated in local hours. They are super expensive and need to be escorted by Fighters to be worth the cost. if you're only doing one sortie at night, then you're going from ((100% + 100% + 10%) / 3) = .7 to ((100% + 100% + 55%) / 3) * 120% = 1.02, a 45.7% overall increase in output. In this case, the resource and supply convoys can also be the target of an attack, and many different types of aircraft can be useful (i.e., not only NAV2 and NAV3). Scout plane: Provides intel on enemy troop compositions. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Defending the Soviet Union from invasion? What I noticed is that playing a game as Germany and owning all of Europe, the USA is a pain to get. If the current number of planes is lower than the reinforcement level, new planes will be added to it as long as there are sufficient stockpiled planes of that type. For this guide, I have created a combat width simulator. The details pane of that window provides numbers across a long time frame. Naval bomber/Patrol: Bomb and kill enemy ships (much more cost-effective than building your own ships!). Creating a variant of mechanized equipment can reduce its cost from 8 to 4 IC, halving its cost. And this is actually helped by them having a huge air force, because the AI never disbands air wings. Each plane can give up to 0.2 supplies, meaning a full wing of 100 can give 20 supply. In this guide, youll be shown what division templates are best, supported by actual calculations. If the plane from carrier hits, it does damage equal to the plane's naval attack (naval damage) value. An ace can increase the amount of attacks, while weather might decrease it (stacking multiplicatively). It is only visible to you. In HOI4 you can't decide what to target and you potentially find yourself advancing into states that you just bombed into oblivion and run out of supplies and incur in attrition because of this. Destroys ships that lie in port. Air supply. regardless of whether or not it works, the night *strat* bombing modifier is supposed to be -50%. What links here; Related changes; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Strategic bombing. If no missions are assigned, air wings will remain idle in their air bases. If there are none, then reinforcement will take place when new planes of the correct equipment type are produced by military production lines. Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 12:35. Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Strategic bomber. Fighters are fast and nimble and can do many jobs. Hearts of Iron 4 MP in a nutshell(Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer)Too many bombers.Go check out: 186Mods: Spot opti . Moving to an allied or enemy province in bad weather or bad terrain. To design a template, you will first need. Choose tactical bombers to carry out close air support missions, instead of CAS, and use heavy fighters because of their longer range. Bombers are much slower and less agile than fighters, so players designing defensive fighters will find guns are most effective. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. You don't build them because they're the best at what they do, you build them because they're cheaper and easier than building CAS+NAV+STRAT bombers. Set all field marshals to 'supply by truck' (3 trucks icon): this increases the supply range of supply hubs dramatically for all units under that field marshal. mission can prioritize the type of target (such as airbases, radar installations, forts, infrastructure, etc.) This can lead to the UK being unable to produce enough aircraft to fend off a concerted strategic bombing campaign and serious industry problems. They are good both for protecting bombers at range and intercepting enemy bombers. Strategic Bombers can be capable of large damage to your opponents economy if used well, but cost a lot to produce. JavaScript is disabled. The excess intel will begin to tick down, and only when it falls below the effective cap will the player begin to lose effective intel against that nation. Flame tanks, support equipment, anti-air, anti-tank and tank destroyers are vulnerable to attrition due to their low quantities in divisions, so put extra factories on them to prevent shortages. Air warfare consists of the deployment of air wings to strategic regions, where they can undertake missions targeting enemy air forces, land units, naval units or buildings. Every 1 point of air superiority advantage in a strategic region gives a +0.7% air support penalty (called enemy air superiority on the combat screen) to enemy land combat defense and breakthrough. Or is it just lend lease? Most of my bombers get disrupted before they can do anything and I wish the no retreat option forced them to drop their load no matter what. There's probably also a fair bit of LL going on as well. It is VERY effective, but numbers play a big part. Each plane assigned to the attack rolls to hit a target. I have recently been getting back into Hoi4 after playing for a couple weeks post launch then shelving the game until a few patches could come out. TACs are great for their versatility. This may be very useful to provide some air support for an amphibious invasion when other bases are out of range. Irl strategic bombing was very effective in numbers. The AI does not understand how to use the tools available to it, and should not be used as a metric for balance testing. urban environments, across rivers, forts, etc. I know GB can get a national focus making their fighters 10% cheaper to build, which probably helps out. If there are no appropriate targets for a mission type, the mission selection process will continue to the next lower priority mission. Do you like to use Strat bombers, . Transport planes can be shot down while on the mission, both by enemy fighters on interception missions and by state anti-air . meanwhile if you just take the right side you're only getting a 30% bonus. The first mission with a valid condition is the only mission flown by that air wing during that mission opportunity. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. I think they changed it to local time a few patches ago so there'll be exactly one night sortie per day except maybe in polar winter? All this bomber does is Strategic Bombing, with modules on it that amplify its night-time effectiveness, and an armor plate (optional) to make it take fewer losses. With 48 CAS present, the bonus would be +22.2%. Normally aircraft on carriers only participate in naval battles, but carrier task forces on hold outside of ports can launch missions in a strategic area. These planes will continue to air drop mines to the assigned strategic region until 1000 mines have been laid in the region, at which point the region is considered to be fully saturated with mines. Disrupting enemy support planes (and protect allied support planes). Players carrying out strategic bombing should note: Players subject to strategic bombing can respond in several ways: Players can assess the impact of their bombing and their defenses in the region's air combat screen (number of buildings bombed, percentage of bombers disrupted). For the King of CAS, it keeps saying the weight exceeds the thrust. If one of the assigned missions has a condition that's "Always executes", no later mission in the list will ever be executed by that wing. Use a Tank/Plane Designer Company to give your tank/plane extra stats (designer works even on tank/plane variants, even when the designer was hired after the base model had already been researched). Most missions are conditional, in that planes will only fly if there is a known target at the time a wing mission is being chosen. Bomb their country to dust. Dropping a nuke is done from the Default Map view. from AA techs, state AA, dispersed industry So if a 100 bombs are dropped only 10 hit and do damage. All rights reserved. In the table below, determine the mission that will be flown by a wing with multiple missions selected by reading the missions from the first line downwards, stopping at the first mission where the condition is true. Air wings can be assigned to various missions. It can be extremely useful in MP against other players if you can maintain air superiority. Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. Its also silly to have to whittle down Britain's nearly 20k plane reserves by 1940. I meant that the doctrine reduces night bombing penalty by 50% (or is at least supposed to reduce it). Planes capable of naval minesweeping can be assigned to naval minesweeping missions during wartime. The amount of intel that scout planes can contribute to the overall intel about a nation is capped. When it does, it can shoot down a fraction of attacking planes up to 0.5%[11] (air attack). Bombs enemy buildings to cripple their industry. This needs to be verified). If an air wing is disbanded, all of the planes will return to the equipment stockpile and will be available for deployment to other air wings. Can we apply the medium tank templates to light tanks?If we can,how much will they be effective? No, they're worthless. Transport plane: Deploys paratroopers and drops supplies. They can perform Air Superiority and Interception air missions. Generally I find that starting a coup on the British mainland is the easiest way of beating them. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Much like Naval bombers, you can't kill them fast enough before they do what they've set out to do, so the only real way to stop it is to have bombers of your own and bomb him before he can bomb you. This. The only times they shine is if you allow the Allies and Soviet Union to fully mobilize against you as an Axis powerbut people around here have an extreme aversion to mid-war scenarios where the game actually presents something that offers more resistance than a dried-up old rubber band. Their capacity is determined by the deck size stat of the ship and they only support carrier-capable aircraft. common/modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt night = { air_bombing_targetting = -0.5 } should mean aircraft don't hit the target. . Scout Planes on this mission perform aerial scouting and intel gathering, adding additional intel to the total intel from all sources on the countries in the target air zone. It is possible to have a 1940 plane at the start of 1939! All types of planes may be located at these air bases, including carrier-capable models. Well they give tons of war score for one more day. How so? Note this is different from mission-specific modifiers like Air Superiority Mission Efficiency described below. Early to mid game I focus on fighters and close air support to ensure I'm winning my land campaigns, and by the time I have enough industry to really crank out serious numbers of them I've already conquered enough of the world to render the entire air game nothing more then time consuming micro. i think having 3 months of day vs 3 months of night might display results more clearly than the test you did in the prior post you linked. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you place a Scout plane inside an air zone with combats, they will contribute towards air superiority bonus, even though they will do no damage to air units nor ground/naval targets. Each air wing's air power is its number of planes, multiplied by the superiority power above and its mission efficiency. Besides them being required for nukes, they're okay in masses, especially in the late game. The more planes you fly over a state, the faster you will reach the maximum. bombing results are fairly noisy. Amazing guide! support artillery specifically is stupid cost effective. Nukes help a lot. Information, Frequently Asked 10% penalty with full battlefield support doctrine becomes 13% [10% * (1+30%)]). They may get targeted by naval anti-air. Is there any data out there about how much damage bombers can do to their targets and how much of an effect that has on the nati9n being bombed? within the strategic region by clicking on the proper button. Yeah. Since you can't tell your bombers what to target anymore, they're useless. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. All you have to do is click on the province that you want to attack, and then the nuke icon at the bottom of its window. Admittedly I haven't played MP since the air designer was released, but I don't imagine tactical bomber strategic bombing is a very good strategy in vanilla. Is it worth building strategic bombers? Heavy fighters are more effective than light fighters in this role. The player might: from game file \Hearts of Iron IV\common\buildings\00_buildings.txt, define ACE_EARN_CHANCE_PLANES_MULT = 0.005, ACE_EARN_CHANCE_BASE + (HP * ACE_EARN_CHANCE_PLANES_MULT * 0.1), Defines NBuildings AIRBASE_CAPACITY_MULT = 200, Defines NBuildings ANTI_AIR_SUPERIORITY_MULT = 5.0, Defines NNavy DETECTION_CHANCE_MULT_AIR_SUPERIORITY_BONUS = 0.25, Defines NNavy ENEMY_AIR_SUPERIORITY_IMPACT = -1, Defines NAir PORT_STRIKE_ENEMY_SUPERIORITY_LIMIT = 0.3, Defines NAir STRATEGIC_BOMBER_NUKE_AIR_SUPERIORITY = 0.75, Defines NCountry PARADROP_AIR_SUPERIORITY_RATIO = 0.7,, Play Invading the US only to be bogged down by unfathomable numbers of US troops? The attacking planes deal attacks against a randomly selected enemy division. After multiple request ive made a how to strat bomb in hoi4 tutorial, mostly as germany and england uk im showing how to use and counter strategic bombers in. A general can reduce the damage received with the "Damage Reduction Against CAS" modifier (Camouflage expert provides 50%). All air stuff is worthless except heavy fighters. there is no (functional) mechanic in game for escorts/escort efficiency. The CAS frontage of a battle can be filled by planes from multiple friendly wings. Fleet frontage is calculated from the total hit points (HP or health) of the enemy fleet divided by 20. Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. From my experience the British AI doesn't really focus on their army the same way Germany or the USSR does. CAS wings will contribute planes to the battle up to 54 planes. In aircraft-dense areas where the frontline airbases might be congested, they, like Heavy Fighters, can act as "second row" aircraft adding even more air power to the frontline regions from airbases behind. Does this modifier work ? For example, if a NAV1 hits a heavy cruiser 1, the NAV1 will do 1.5 points of damage. The technology, Aerial Minesweeping, must be researched before aircraft will become capable of detecting and neutralizing enemy naval mines. There is also a Reorganize option that allows greater control over moving planes between two or more wings of the same type. Press J to jump to the feed. Strats can completely cripple the enemy, but requires a lot of IC. A wing with more planes than can join its highest priority battle can split to join multiple battles. Try to capture an enemy air base as quickly as possible, so that the player can redeploy some fighters and CAS there. Too little offensive power is bad, but too low Org/HP is also bad. HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods - Store - Twitch; Tools. Light tanks have virtually no armor and a low cost. The 'Industry Liasons' Spirit and the 'Light aircraft designer' should be used for increased research speed and agility bonuses!
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